"Fact is, I’m from the future. Which, no, before you ask, no flying cars. Yet."

Feb 25, 2012 14:22

So, the24thkey had a birthday yesterday, but I am made of lateness and overdue assignments...which is why she doesn't get her present until today (it's also why I need to apologize for not finishing that beta-listen I owe her. Forgive me?). At least it's better than last year's month-late B-Day gift, right?

Anyway: we first met over X-Men bonding (who doesn't love to say that they struck up a friendship through leather and spandex?), and for my birthday the24thkey made me an adorable Buffy podfic picture (look, so pretty!), and also I love pprfaith so very much (all the time, and in multiple positions)....so, for an excellent birthday gift, why not go with a fantastically funny Buffy-meets-the-early-X-Men crossover podfic? Exactly.

Buffy's Guide to Surviving in 1962, written by pprfaith, has all the humor you expect from a really good BtVS fic, and all the awesomeness of a Recruiting Mutants Road Trip XMFC fic. There's a plausible reason for both the time travel and the fandom-crossing (Willow Rosenberg, on both counts), and Buffy's reactions to the latest upset of her Life Plan are exactly in character. This story takes place post-season seven for BtVS, and mid-movie for X-Men First Class, so there are spoilers for both fandoms. But, oh! Buffy Summers in 1962 - "They’re not even at the sexual revolution thing yet, so it’s all tight, prissy idiots and no fun." - and meeting up with the Charles Xavier and the Erik Lehnsherr - "Charles has the whole souled-Spike thing going for him, without the bleach, but with the awkward Britishness and Erik has the bad boy vibes Angelus exuded on his best days, minus the leather pants." - and the whole thing is pretty much flawlessly fantastic. There's even a little bit of a threesome at the end ^_______^

Additonally, the Intro/Outro music for this podfic is the song "Stranger on the Shore", as performed by Mr. Acker Bilk. Don't know it? That's alright - it was the Billboard Hot 100 number one song for May of 1962. Temporally appropriate music, hooray!

You can find the mp3 of this podfic over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!). Or, stream the story by clicking below:

Don't forget to tell pprfaith how much you loved her fic, and to wish the24thkey a happy birthday!

pprfaith gets her own tag, fandom: xmfc, other people's fanfic, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, outside source of awesome, podfic, there's a girl in my bunk!, fandom: x-men movie'verse, i made coverart!, no more megaupload

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