“It’s not about me...with this on. It’s just about what you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing."

Jan 13, 2012 21:12

So, last week I put up some J2 porn, and this week....yup, more porn. Specifically, bondage porn with added sensory deprivation, a soupçon of humiliation, a whole bunch of D/s elements, and some light voyeurism. Also Adam Lambert.

Yeah, that's right - I'm talking about moirariordan's post-American Idol Kradam fic, Show And Tell. Taking place in some indefinable future, after Kris and Adam's run on the show has ended and the boys are in a committed, long-term, relationship, Show And Tell basically dives straight into the porn, and keeps reveling in it for the next 35 minutes. Thank you, moirariordan, for not only writing such delectable pornage, but also putting it up for blanket podfic recordability!

The Intro/Outro music I used for this podfic was For Your Entertainment, as performed by Adam Lambert. Actually, I tried something a little bit different with this one: I spliced segments of the original song with snippets from a karaoke version (thank you, iTunes, for the lyric-less-ness), so as to provide emphasis for certain lyrics. I couldn't help it - those few verses practically SCREAM, "Put me in a bondage-porn podfic!" (And, yes, I was influenced by those KY commercials (you know which ones I'm talking about) when I was making this podfic cover.....)

Clocking in at 37 minutes long, you can find the podfic of Show And Tell right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Happy listening!

other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: adam and kris are also in love, no more megaupload

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