Day Six of Podfic Awareness Week

Nov 12, 2011 19:57

So, yesterday's theme for pod_aware was FEEDBACK...and, of course, I missed it, because I am terrible at leaving feedback for people, and also at responding to the feedback people leave me. Originally, I had this idea to post an iTunes Celebrity Playlist-esque podcast yesterday (if I can't remember to actually type out a response, maybe talking about why I loved a podfic would be acceptable?), but, alas! It is not finished yet. So, I'm gonna leave an imaginary "Under Construction" sign where Day Five of Podfic Awareness Week should have gone, and get back to it later.....

Today's theme for Podfic Awareness Week is REPODDING. Repodding is when a podfic is made of a fic that has already been podficced. Podfic is awesome, therefore two podfics is even more awesome, right? Every podficcer brings something different to the table and it's fun to see how different podficcers approach the same thing. To find out more about repodding, check out pod_aware on LJ or DW.

So, since today's theme basically gives me a free pass, I figured, "Why not post some repods you've made?" And then I looked through my iTunes library, and found a few different podfics that might be acceptable material today. All three podfics you're about to see were recorded first, and then I realized after the fact that there was already one in existence, and so I sat on them for a while, dithering about whether to post or not. I can't make any claims as to who's podfic is better (mine or the one that came before it), but I can say that if a story was so awesome as to have two separate people independently think it was worth podficcing, well then. It must be quite an awesome story, and worth your time to check it out, right? Right.

First up, we've got helens78's X-Men First Class story, A Summer Day So Late In Coming. Previously, it was performed by rhea314, and you can find her version here. The story is about Erik and Charles, after all the X-Men movies have happened, still being some sort of boyfriends despite their various obstacles and impediments. And then they get Gay Married in New York City!

The best part about this story, I thought, was the depth of Erik and Charles' relationship that helens78 creates. There's no glossing over of their past conflicts and differing mindsets, but the love these two have for each other even after fifty years is still so strong and vibrant and real, and it punches you repeatedly in the emotions. And, all those times in the podfic where my voice sounds kinda choked up? Yeah, I was actually getting choked up right then. I actually very nearly cried while reading Charles giving his vows - and I never cry. I didn't even cry at my Grandma's funeral. This nearly-crying shit is a big deal to me. So, if you want wedding!fic that will get you all verklempt with it's strong emotions, this here's the wedding!fic for you.

The Intro/Outro music is Chapel of Love, as performed by The Dixie Cups. You can find the mp3 of A Summer Day So Late In Coming right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Next up, we've got idyll's My-Chemical-Romance-meets-Project-Runway fusion fic, Life on the Fashion Scene. I've gotta say, a significant part of the reason I recorded this fic was because I'd been listening to Adam Lambert's song "Strut", and kept thinking that it would go perfectly with a Top Model or Project Runway AU podfic. And then, lo and behold, I found idyll's story.....and I couldn't help myself. I actually started recording the podfic before I even contacted idyll, who was nice enough to let me play in her sandbox, but did point out that there were two versions of this story podficced already. (You can find 2naonh3_cl2's version here, and podklb's version here. They're both fantastic!)

However, by the time she told me that, I had already been mentally designing the coverart, and was so enamored with the idea of having little interludes of Strut playing between sections of text (to emulate the strutting of models on the runway, as all the band boys showed off their designs) that I went ahead and finished recording Life on the Fashion Scene anyway.

And, seriously - it is my personal belief that just as every fandom needs it's Vampire AU and it's Hooker AU, it also needs a Boys Making Clothes AU. Life on the Fashion Scene is perfect for this niche: it's got boys who are perfectly in character (The way Frank sews and climbs on Bob with manic energy! The way Brian knows a guy who knows a guy! The way Pete is trying to stick it to The Man, but doesn't specify who, exactly, The Man is in this particular case!), and also some of my favorite elements of Project Runway (Heidi hiding her horrified face behind her score card! Tim Gunn, being Tim Gunn! Michael Kors and Nina Garcia being snarky together!), all fused into a beautiful mishmash of awesometastic fanfic.

The Intro/Outro music for this podfic was Strut, as performed by Adam Lambert. Feel free to download the mp3 of Life on the Fashion Scene right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

.  ***This podfic is also being used to fill a square on my au_bingo card, "Alt. Fandom: Television", because Project Runway is a television show, and My Chemical Romance, well, is not.

And finally, since I just mentioned Mr. Lambert, we've got astolat's fic, Far Far Away. Actually, a version of this podfic was posted just the other day, by kalakirya - you can find her version here.

In the story, Adam Lambert is drafted into the SGC by both the President and the Prime Minister, and goes to sing in the Pegasus Galaxy. Rodney's exasperation and horror at this development - The man used to sing in musicals! He was on American Idol! He's very nubile! - is only surpassed by his reaction to seeing John kissing Adam Lambert. It's EPIC.

The Intro/Outro music I used for this podfic was Sure Fire Winners, as performed by Adam Lambert - there's a line about a rocket ship! How could I not include it in the Adam-goes-to-another-galaxy podfic? Also, as I couldn't find a pretty enough picture of the Pegasus Galaxy, Adam is superimposed over a picture of the Horse Head Nebula instead (hey, a pegasus is a kind of horse, so it works....right?)

You can find the mp3 of Far Far Away right over here (thanks for hosting me, paraka!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Happy listening!

So, that's my contribution to pod_aware for today. Thanks for dropping by, folks.....and don't tell me if you liked the originals better than my repods ^_____~

podfic awareness week, other people's podfic, b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, fandom: xmfc, other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: adam and kris are also in love, fandom: sga, fandom: x-men movie'verse, i made coverart!, fandom: project runway, no more megaupload, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other

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