Day Four of Podfic Awareness Week

Nov 11, 2011 00:01

Today's theme is: Accents!

Every podficcer has an accent; sometimes that accent matches that of the canon character, sometimes it doesn't. Every accent is special and brings something to the podfic, it represents the podficcer and reminds us just how diverse fandom can be. Come celebrate accents and learn more about them in podfic at pod_aware on LJ or DW.

So, I guess I don't really have an opinion on accents - I've come across podfics before that I couldn't listen to because of the production quality or the background noise, but never one I couldn't enjoy because of someone's accent. Accents, in general, are cool; accents in podfic are even cooler, 'cause all the while I'm listening to the story, from time to time I am also marveling in the back of my head over the fact that this person from across the globe enjoyed the fic I'm currently enjoying even more than I did. It's all very the-internet-is-the-great-unifying-force-of-our-time, y'know?

But, when I think of accents and fandom, my brain tends to drift over to Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and Discworld ('cause all the Discworld audiobooks have a British accent). However, I didn't have any Doctor Who, Harry Potter, or Discworld podfics handy today, so I went with the next best thing: a podfic involving Latin!

See, I took Latin for seven years in Middle and High School, but it's been a few years since I regularly spoke any of the language out loud. I did recently listen to some really neat podfics by paxpinnae: Post Cenam and After Dinner. Listening to Post Cenam reminded me a whole lot of Senior Year, when Dr. H used to read sections of the Aeneid out loud, and we'd rush to transcribe as much as possible while she read, and then she'd quiz us on random vocabulary and grammar from the text when we were done. I almost thought that there'd be a quiz at the end of the podfic - my hands were itching for a pencil as I listened. It was, odd as it would have seemed to myself while I was taking Latin, a positive listening experience. You should check them out: Post Cenam is entirely in Latin, and After Dinner is the English translation (for those of you who aren't trying to translate in your head as paxpinnae reads).

So, then I pondered accents further, and my thought process for today's theme ran something like this:

Accents => Foreign Language => Latin => Dr. H's Class => Dean Winchester trying to learn Latin

Which is why, for my contribution on this the Fourth Day of Podfic Awareness Week, I would like to present a podfic of girl_wonder's beautiful story, credo ut intelligam.

The story has some gorgeously written prose, and draws a parallel between language and the events of Dean's life that I never would have come up with on my own (but now makes so much sense that I wonder why I didn't see it before). Just look at how Dean's tense relationship with high-school-era Sam is so beautifully summed up: "Sam always changed every other ending in Dean's life, but here Dean could control what part Sam altered. In one word, he could make all of his sentences about Dean instead of about 'Dean and Sam.' With one suffix, Dean could cut Sam out of all of his stories."

(Plus, well, I wanted to see if I still knew how to pronounce any of my old Latin vocab, after a few years of non-useage. I think I did alright....though, I did double-check with Middlest Sis (who's still taking Latin this year) that I'd pronounced the title correctly.)

You can find the mp3 of credo ut intelligam right over here (thanks for hosting me, paraka!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:

Don't forget to let girl_wonder know how excellent Dean Winchester is as a Latin Noun, or an English Verb. Happy listening!

podfic awareness week, other people's podfic, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, needs coverart, no more megaupload

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