So. In seven days, it will have been exactly one year since I posted
my first podfic. Also, I have recently become enraptured with the X-Men First Class fandom. Also also, I seem to be recording an awful lot of porn lately. Also also also,
helens78 is a saint who is letting my record a large portion of her XMFC porn.
In conclusion, I will be providing, to those of you who wish to celebrate my Podficiversary with me, seven days of XMFC podfic (many days of which will contain pornish qualities). It will be awesome.
The podfic for Day One is
Blood In The Water, written by
helens78. Blood In The Water is technically an XMFC RPF - James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, necking, in a fantastic Vampire AU that has me intrigued and eventually hoping for more exploration of that world. A word of warning: I know that Misters McAvoy and Fassbender have fantastically lovely accents in real life, but not. So, instead of traumatizing all your ears with my mockery of a butchered accent, you just get my Long Island-ish voice.
Now, this podfic is not being posted for entirely selfish ("Look at what I made and praise me for it!") reasons - I'm also being philanthropic. See, once upon a time,
caitri put up
this adorable video, and made me smile SO HARD. And then, she had a very bad day - so in the spirit of helping my fellow man, and also encouraging
caitri's descent into Fassbender/McAvoy RPF, and also making
caitri smile, Blood In The Water got moved to the front of the Podficiversary queue. As a podficular pick-me-up, hopefully this one will work wonders: it's got an amazingly detailed 'verse, two beautiful men in spandex, and a happy ending that will hopefully perk up anyone's day.
Clocking in at about ten minutes long, the mp3 of Blood In The Water can be found
over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below:
Happy listening!
Since I couldn't really figure out how to make coverart for this podfic, instead I will show you a very pretty (and also giggle-inducing) example of Fassbender's vampire teeth (snagged from