“Well, Sexy, I think we're gonna have a good time.”

Jun 18, 2011 20:27

AMP 2011: Day 76
  200 PODFICS.

I. Have. Reached. Two. Hundred. Podfics.

I went from 100 PODFICS to 200 PODFICS in 68 days.

I need to go sit down for a while......

I don't understand how this happened, but I blame everyone at amplificathon.

*is stunned*

Podfic #199 is The Snow Queen: A Very Supernatural Fairytale, written by pandarus/
pandarus (or, you might also know her as fayjay...) I'm a superduperhumongous fan of both her podfics and her textfics, and to learn that pandarus had put her fic up for grabs on the Pro-Podficcing Blanket Permission list of amazingly wonderful authors? Well, it just about made my day. So, when I read The Snow Queen..., I really had no choice but to record it. It's an awesome retelling of Supernatural season four, with incredibly descriptive imagery and this very oral-tradition feel. Plus, the ending? Totally fitting to the mood of the fic, with a smack-you-upside-the-head moment where you have to cry out, "Why!??!" Reading this aloud, I very much felt like I was reading a fairy tale to Littlest Sister....except for, y'know, the zombies and demons and vampires. Really - the  storytelling is just gorgeous, and I can only hope that my rendition added to the beauty of this fic.
 Here - download the mp3 here, and enjoy the story.

Podfic #200 is Baby written by aproposity. A crossover fic between Supernatural and Doctor Who, Baby is the love story of Dean's Impala: her love of the road, her love for Dean, and even her surprising romance with the TARDIS. Intro/Outro music for this fic is "Open Road Song" by Eve 6 - the song is about a man who hits 80mph on the highway to clear his head, and that seemed to me to be pretty much Baby's theme song throughout this entire story. I really enjoyed how very personable aproposity  made Baby: for all that the '67 Impala is an inanimate object with no vocal chords, s.he has a voice and a soul and a personality that makes me love her just as much as Dean does. Download the mp3 here, and see for yourself why TARDIS/Impala will be your new OTP <3

And remember: only two more days left to amplificathon. Happy listening!

fandom: doctor who, exciting technical developments, amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic

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