"What part of my really very helpful answer didn't you get? Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

May 29, 2011 23:57

AMP 2011: Day 55

Physical Presence, written by
monanotlisa, is an amazing fic for many reasons: it's a BtVS/SGA crossover fic, it's got a Kavanagh whose balls literally fall off, and it's got Anyanka (the Patron Saint of Scorned Women) granting wishes all over Atlantis. Add in Rodney's geek-boy charm and sense of sarcasm, and one can completely understand why I think his fic is adorable, and funny, and an amazing blend of two of my favorite shows. Plus, the discussion Anya and Rodney have, about the Wraith? Priceless!

Download the 20-odd minutes of podfic here, and you'll see for yourself how awesome the combination of Rodney McKay and Anyanka are. They'd create chaos across two galaxies!

AMP 2011: Day 56

So, caitri is a lovely lady, who writes many marvelous things. One of those things - well, several of them - is the result of an awesome meme she ran early January of this year. The meme asked, "Pick a character I write, and I will give you the top five ideas/concepts/other I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them accurately." And, thanks to caitri's meme, I now have firmly rooted beliefs as to the backstory of each one of these characters. So firmly rooted, in fact, that now? Whenever I read a fic and there's a different backstory? I get all confused, and have a moment of, "Canon - you're doing it wrong".....and then I need to remind myself that I am referencing fanfic, not actual fact. And then I need to go sit down and remind myself that it's all fiction. Not real.

So, anyway: there's seven new bits of background info and character development in multiple fandoms for you to enjoy! Click the links to download the mp3s of Five Things About Bones, Five Things About Mal, Five Things About Richard Castle, Five Things About Willow, Five Things About Simon Tam, Five Things About Eomer, and Five Things About Jim Kirk. Each podficlet clocks in at five minutes or less, so feel free to download the whole thing. Enjoy!

Sorry about the delay on yesterday's podfic, but we went to go see the Memorial Day Fireworks at the beach, and didn't actually get home til pretty late. Do you ever get that feeling, when you come home from a day of lying on the beach and not really doing anything except sleeping, that you're actually more tired than you'd be if you'd actually done something strenuous? Well, I did, and I basically passed out as soon as I'd washed the sand off my feet last night.

Plus, it appears that I am pasty enough to actually tan in the shade: we went to the beach yesterday for seven hours, and I sat under a tree the entire time, and I still came back a different color than when I left. The Memorial Day fireworks were lovely, the water was not something I'd want to put my feet in (Long Island Sound, especially down-current from a power plant, is not really the kind of water you want to be bathing in), and I heard enough Billy Joel to last me quite a while (Local Boy Makes Good....so, of course we need to hear three different cover bands of his music). All in all, I'd say summer's off to quite a great start!

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: st-xi, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, podfic, fandom: firefly, fandom: lotr, fandom: castle

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