fifth week of podficiversary (day two)

Aug 06, 2015 21:39

Title: we are figurines
Author: callunavulgari (who has Blanket Permission to Podfic!)
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Avengers (movie'verse), Iron Man
Pairings: Loki/Toni Stark
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Genderbent, Female Tony Stark, Loki Does What He Wants
Length: 00:12:10

Author's Summary: "You sure you don't want that drink?" Toni asks. "'Cause the thing is, I'd really rather this end with scotch and sex rather than you trying to take over the planet."

Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).

Why I Love It: I have such a soft spot for Toni Stark, in all her incarnations and permutations (especially since this year's pod_together project is a female Tony Stark story and I've basically been living in her brain for the last four months). And then the other day, I made a new podfic friend - ser-kitten, on tumblr (I am old like rocks, and very bad at tumblr. But I always like meeting new podfic people. It's crazy, to think of how many amazing people I've met through podfic these last five years. I have so many friends <3 <3 <3 <3) - who mentioned offhand that she is a big fan of FrostIron stuff. And I was like, "Self, you haven't recorded a Tony/Loki podfic in aaaaages. Do it. Do it right now." So then this podfic came to be: Toni being herself, and Loki being himself, and everyone's future having so much potential (for madness, for destruction, for explosions of technicolor glory). All that, in under fifteen minutes! I'm pretty sure I spent longer on the coverart than I did recording the podfic, actually ;)

fandom: avengers, fandom: iron man, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, there's a girl in my bunk!

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