Title: The Conference Job (
part one,
part two,
part three)
reena_jenkinsRating: PG
Fandoms: Supernatural, Leverage
Pairings: gen
Warnings: Crossover, Female Friendship, Collection: Purim Gifts
Length: 00:24:13
Author's Summary: "There's a tiny scrap of a woman leaning against the wall near her. Jo's been too focused on the lack of readings, senses dulled by the white noise of the crowd. She curses herself silently."
Download Link: You can download this podfic as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me).
Why I Love It: Every crossover is a good crossover. What makes a GREAT crossover, though, are those moments when everything just clicks - the universes line up just right, and it makes perfect sense that they'd all co-exist on the same plane.
Tieleen has a consistent track record of successfully creating those moments; Parker and Jo, in this fic, have EXACTLY that kind of moment. (Also, Hardison's reaction to the existence of hunters is priceless.) Jo, being competent and standing on her own two feet! Parker, being competent and working with a team! Everything is delightful!