“Boring was not the word I was going to associate with Captain America’s boyfriend, but right now-”

Oct 26, 2014 18:11

I need to set an alert on my phone, to remind myself to actually POST the podfics I've made - it's one thing to sit on a podfic for personal enjoyment (or because you're holding out for MASSIVE POINTS during amplificathon - that's completely acceptable), it's another thing entirely to forget that you've made a podfic in the first place.

So, to make up for such a long gap between podfics, I'm going to post something a little bit longer that my more recent, 20-minutes-or-less, fare:

For Operational Reasons, written by Odsbodkins, is a post-Cosmic Cube Winter Soldier story with SECRET DATING and TEAM FEELS  and PINING STEVE REMEMBERING STUFF and SO MUCH SNARK and UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS. The main pairing is Steve/Bucky, but every Avenger has a  special someone in this story, and they all have movie nights together, and that makes my heart happy. I particularly loved how this story flips back and forth between Steve-and-Bucky-together-5ever scenes, and teammate's-persepective-on-Steve scenes: the outside perspective on the side-effects of Steve's renewed relationship with Bucky is such a delight, because you-as-the-reader know just WHY Steve is smiling like that, even as the rest of the Avengers are watching his every move via CCTV (*cough*Tony*cough*). Despite spending more time with Steve and Bucky than any other characters, this story still feels very much like an ensemble piece - complete with characte growth and development. Odsbodkins has given us incredible insight into each Avenger's head, and the story as a whole has a very warm, sweet, feeling to it.

The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is Here and Heaven, as performed by Stuart Duncan, Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer, Yo-Yo Ma & Aoife O'Donovan. I loved how the instrumental portions and the vocals twined together in this song, and it felt very similar to the way Steve's perspective is intertwined with the various glimpses from all the other Avengers.

This podfic has a runtime of 00:37:40, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!)

And stay tuned for more podfic on Friday - I have something particularly blood-drenched and gristly for Halloween \o/

fandom: avengers, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: captain america

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