"Your death should not belong to some greasy ravager scum."

Oct 12, 2014 00:20

I haven't posted a podfic in AGES, and I miss it like you wouldn't believe. And I haven't had time to PODFIC all week. It's tough to be me.

I'm not sure that Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be my new all-consuming fandom obsession, the same way The Hobbit or XMFC or Avengers took my brain over, but I am enjoying the flash and sparkle of it all. I especially loved the idea of Nebula and Gamora, in the movie - and was left wanting SO MUCH MORE of those two.

Which is why, when I saw that thingswithwings had written TWO Gamora/Nebula stories, I was over the moon. And, of course, thingswithwings has Blanket Permission to Podfic; basically, it was a party in my pants with everyone invited, as soon as I started reading A Sure Thing.

I love the way thingswithwings captured the dynamic between Gamora and Nebula, in the story. I just... I don't even have WORDS. There was this really wonderful vibe of you're-my-only-soft-place-in-a-universe-full-of-sharp-edges, in the two scenes where Gamora and Nebula interacted in the movie, and thingswithwings has explored that beautifully. There's a magnificent tension between where they stand now, and what Gamora remembers of her relationship with Nebula in their childhood. Gamora is running away from Nebula just as much as she is running after her, and the way she explains their push'n'pull relationship to the rest of the Milano's crew is heartbreakingly wonderful. And the hate-makeouts! So bittersweet and lovely and the potential for a future healthy relationship between everyone's favorite space assassin sisters.

The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is Shadowboxer, as performed by Fiona Apple. Basically, every word of that song is the perfect depiction of Gamora and Nebula's post-GotG relationship, but I thought this verse in particular was applicable: "Oh, you creep up / Like the clouds / And you set my soul at ease / Then you let / Your love abound / And you bring me / To my knees." This podfic was beta-listened by cantarina1 who was very encouraging re: my Peter voice, and podfic coverart concrit was provided by my lovely Twitter feed.

This podfic has a runtime of 00:26:03, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) Happy listening, and feel free to link me to any more Gamora/Nebula stories you stumble across.

fandom: gotg, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, there's a girl in my bunk!

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