"It's because she's fond of you. She's always going on about how tall you are, how handsome."

Apr 08, 2014 11:15

AMP14 - Day Twenty-Six

Are you looking for something warm? Something cozy? Something about found families, and holding onto the ones you love? Something with breakfast food?

How about some post-XMFC kidfic fluff, with bonus baby 'Ro and reluctant papa Erik?

If that's your cup of tea, then Winter in July by
mumblemutter (Blanket Permission is a go!) is the perfect story for you. I love the idea of Charles starting his school, with Erik's grudging help - and then Erik basically getting guilted into staying by baby Ororo, which is the icing on top of the adorable cake. There's also a story inspired by Winter in July - Soup and Blankets, which was podficced by analise010. You should check that out for more adorable Erik-Ororo interactions.

This podfic has a run-time of 00:13:03, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. Enjoy the happy mutant snow day!

other people's podfic, fandom: xmfc, fandom: x-men movie'verse, other people's fanfic, podfic, amp 2014, i made coverart!

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