So, more than two months ago, I started this podfic. I got one-third of the way through recording it, and then put it on the back burner - I get distracted by shiny fic easily, okay? And I did have some legitimate actual real-life concerns that claimed my time as well - but no longer!
The Life and Times of Lois Lane, a J2 superhero AU, is finally finished! True, it's only three parts and really should not have taken as long as it did...but it's done! Now,
vorpalblades can finally listen to her fic - and just in time for the holiday, as well.
The premise of this fic is that Jared has superpowers, and Jensen does not. Their lives together are chronicled through a series of flash-backs as well as present-day scenes, as Jensen weathers the ups and downs of life living with (and loving) a super-someone. It's not an X-Men AU, or even something that might spin off Heroes - while Jared's powers help to define who he is, the story focuses more attention on interpersonal relationships and the couple's dynamic than on who's got the flashiest costume or longest list of nemeses. I think that's what really drew my attention to this fic in the first place....where most superhero fics deal with the powers aspect, and "Oh, what do I do now that I have the ability to crush cars?", this one makes us look at what it's like to be the man behind Superman. ***This is NOT a Smallville crossover, though Jensen is comparatively Lois Lane (without the tights, of course).***
I know that RPS is not everyone's cup of tea. For me as well, there are some fics that just seem too... real-life, too intrusive on the actual people involved. But some RPS, in my view, is basically an original story - but instead of having to deal with overly descriptive character introductions and tediously fabricated backstory, you just slap a well-known and pretty face on the character and there you go. You get interesting plots and pretty brain-candy all in one. The RPS fics out there that are most definitely AU, and not full of the kinds of details one can only glean from obsessing over IMDB and stalking people's shrubbery, is the RPS for me.
If this is the kind of fic you are looking for, well,
the download's here. Plus, to make up for the interminable delay (and to absolve my own shitty feelings at having taken so long), there'll be another
vorpalblades-written podfic posted by the end of the week.