(too many things for one post...but what are you gonna do?)

Oct 20, 2013 14:22

Status Updates:

- I have achieved a tumblr. It is over here. I don't actually know what I'm doing, and that whole place still mostly scares the bejeebers out of me, but there you go. E'rryday I'm tumbling.

- I signed up for #ITPE again this year. My recipient is a REALLY AWESOME podficcer, who makes REALLY AWESOME things, and I had this very brain-stopping moment while perusing their suggested bookmarks -  WE HAVE ALL THE SAME BOOKMARKS. WHY AREN'T WE BETTER FRIENDS YET? So after #ITPE is over, I fully intend to keep stalking [redacted] until we're besties.

- I started recording my #ITPE podfic last week. I am farther along with this podfic than I am for my extreme_bigbang podfic (which is still at 51 minutes completed). I've made some coverart for my #ITPE podfic already, and I'm VERY EXCITED about this project. IT'S SO AWESOME I'M GONNA DIE.

- I took Littlest Sis and Babysitting Charge #1 to New York Comic Con last weekend. We were Black Widow, Thor, and Loki. It was fantastic like whoa, and some of the costumes we saw were just... mindblowing. I have a new R2-D2 hoodie (with thumbholes!) that I'm going to wear for Halloween, plus we spent some time with heard_the_owl and her bbs!

- I have midterms next week, and a paper that's about 25% of my final grade due next Friday. Aside from the Halloween podfics that I plan on posting (some of which I have been sitting on since AUGUST, okay, I'm pretty excited about podfics for Halloween this year), you're not going to hear from me for a while.

- On Friday, akaineechan left me some absolutely fantastic podfic feedback. I got to read it after a day of sitting for a total of SIX munchkins at the same time (simultaneous playdates plus no hazard play equals NEVER AGAIN), and it was pretty much the exact best balm for my soul. And since akaineechan is as big a fan of Reaper!Bones as I am, I made a podfic as a thank-you: I am not now that which I have been, written by tigriswolf is a 6-minute long podfic of Leonard 'Bones' McCoy brushing off his John 'Reaper' Grimm skillz. It's great. I mean, I know I've said this before, but tigriswolf has a pretty awesome brain when it comes to crossovers. I kind of want to live there? And hopefully you will, too, after you listen to this podfic. You can download the mp3 right over here (thanks you, paraka, for hosting me) OR you can stream the story by clicking below.

Thanks again, akaineechan, for your wonderful words. You really, absolutely, made my day so much better!

i blame everything on twitter, other people's fanfic, fandom: st-xi, outside source of awesome, podfic, life is like a b-grade movie, exciting technical developments, i made coverart!, fandom: doom

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