
Sep 17, 2013 23:22


Multifandom Extreme Big Bang: All Fandoms. All Characters & Pairings. 100,000 words in ten months.
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I signed up for extreme_bigbang. A podfic of 100,000 words (or more), over the course of 10 months? Easy-peasy. (Or, okay, not so easy as all that... but I didn't do podficbigbang this year, and I feel the need to record something big.)

eosrose has a very fancy spreadsheet, to keep track of things like words-recorded and minutes-edited. I'm thinking I might even use that to keep track of my own stats - so far, I'm 7335 words (or 51 minutes) into my 7 chapters, 116K long, Teen Wolf podfic. Wish me luck!

i blame everything on twitter, fandom: teen wolf, outside source of awesome, xbb might make me cry

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