The relationship between Paul Briggs and Mike Warren on Graceland is full of tension (whether or not you've got your shipping goggles on). It's pretty much every type of power-imbalance you could hope for - the older, experienced, street-savvy mentor meets the younger, naive, extremely green recruit. Now with added lying and deception on the side!
So, yeah - I've got all kinds of feelings about Briggs and Mike. They're screwed up in the best possible way, and it's a delightful tension to watch on-screen. Mike's the show's primary protagonist (though I would argue it's an ensemble show, because I love all the housemates at Graceland), so we mostly see how his relationship with Briggs is spiraling the toilet from his perspective. In
sandrine's fic,
Truth or Dare (the Glock 23 version), we get a view from the other side: one possible way things might have gone down in Guadalajara Dog, once Briggs was more widely aware of the extent of Mike's lies.
The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is
Blow (Deconstructed EP), as performed by Ke$ha. You can blame that time I had
analise010 in my basement for the fact I even know this song exists, but I'm not sorry I used it. This song's feeling of a single captured moment, and the rising tension as we wait for someone's imminent fire-y demise, is all kinds of perfect for the scene set by Truth or Dare.
This podfic runs nearly 12 minutes long, and can be downloaded as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking below:
.....I've been putting off watching episode 10, so nobody spoil that for me, okay? Happy listening!