Title: “The Zed Word” or alternatively, Jack of the Dead
teaboytoaliensPrompt: “Shaun of the Dead”
Rating: M
Word Count: 27k+
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, John Hart, Gwen Cooper/Rhys Williams, Toshiko Sato; guest starring Owen Harper, Estelle Cole, Bilis Manger, The Doctor (implied Gwen->Ianto and bromantic Jack/John Hart); cameos by certain Doctor Who characters
Warnings: violence, some gore, everything to do with zombie invasions
Spoilers: general S1-S2 characters, Shaun of the Dead movie
Disclaimer: Neither Torchwood or Shaun of the Dead belong to me.
Summary: Jack’s weekend went a little like this: Friday, he spends his night in the Hub with his best friend, lover, and lover’s friends; Saturday, he gets dumped by lover; come Sunday, he’s fighting off a zombie invasion and trying to survive. Just another weekend, then.
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