I got a pony for Christmas. My dad got himself one, too.
I will take pictures and post them later. He's incredibly cute! His name is Major and well.. he's adorable. On his way home in the trailer he caught his foot in a hay net and flipped himself over. I went to check on the ponies and I was convinced he was dead because he was on his back with his little feet in the air and he had a dead pony face going. But he's fine. And cute. The other one's name is Pecan and is just as nauseatingly adorable. Can't wait to see what color they are in the summer.
I think my dad feels bad about my horse because he got the mini I picked out. Hopefully he will be my show pony. We shall see.
If you want to see what he looked like last year I do have a link from the farm he originally came from. Just scroll down to Velvet's Major: