being the cream filling in a brian/justin cookie sandwich

Sep 09, 2006 04:59

Good god.

You know what would be smokin' hot?

Oh, I'm gonna tell ya.

Imagine you are Brian Kinney.

Yeah, I know, that's enough right there to cause some serious heat. Oh, but wait, there's more! Because, see, you and your incredibly hot boyfriend finally make it to a White Party. We're talking Florida here. Home of McNamara/Troy, the country's best plastic surgeons. Oh, yeah, yo. You've done your Google research. They're the best, and only the best get their Botox needles near your face.

So while Justin attempts to tan without bursting into flames back at the hotel one afternoon, you keep an appointment for a little touch-up. And, well, well, well. Dr. "Call Me Christian" Troy is all but single-handedly putting the "curious" in bi-curious. So you do him. And then he wants more. Of course. Your life is so hard, le sigh. But you tell him you're in a relationship with a guy you fuck more than once, and he's not it. Sucks to be him.

But you find yourself smirking and say you'll have to ask "the wife". And about two minutes after meeting Justin, the three of you are one panting-groaning-writhing-thrusting pile of hotness. And then it happens. For the next (third? fourth? you lose count) round, it's just you and Justin while Christian watches from a chair across the bedroom.

And you kiss Justin, carding your fingers through his hair, and pretend not to notice how Christian looks at you both.

Like he wants what you have. That connection.

Like you used to be him. That lonely.

* * *

Guh. Guh! Holy hotness and beautiful angst, Rage!

This scenario is what
the wife puts into my head right before sending me to bed adlkjaskd. Followed by my spazzing out at her brilliance. Cos, oh, man. Man! This could so work perfectly. Can you tell we were squeeing over the S4 premiere of Nip/Tuck? Hee.

Someone please write this for Gio and I, omg. Or something close to it, even! Please. Am begging here. Begging. Seriously, no shame on our parts. Pure begging.

*puppy eyes*

tv: nip/tuck, qaf: fic, tv: qaf, brian/justin

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