(no subject)

Jan 31, 2006 01:57

This is short on the babbling for me, but my brain has been eaten by a brand new project (*squee*) for our v. queer fandom, and now I'm all tired-grumpy and in need of some oatmeal. Mmm, comfort food. And I need to answer old comments. And I shouldn't YM innocent bystanders when drunk. Apologies, omg.

But Jack! Jack is teh pretty.

- Jack is teh pretty. This cannot be said enough. Jack! Teh Pretty!

- *squints one eye and squishes Logan's head with my fingers* I don't care that he came around at the end. So he got "tough" with Walt and prevented Crazy First Lady from being shipped off. That's what he should have fucking done in the first place! A highly positioned White House staffer confessed to treason, working with terrorists, and murder of a President and what does Logan do? Protects his own ass against public opinion! WTF? No gold star for you, Mr. Presidon't.

- Hi, Day 4 called. It'd like it's Audrey whining back. Jack runs off to save the world against biological warfare -- and Audrey thinks this is a good time to call him with her girlie questions. Way to pump the guy up for fighting terrorists there, ole girl. :|

- Jack sure is agile and owwie-free, considering he broke a rib the hour before. :| :| :|

- Yup, Jack. Still pretty. Especially when about to cut an eyeball out. Cos then he has a shiny-pretty knife and is all growly and ANSWER ME, BEYOCH!!! And Ree comes.

- Something is gonna happen with Derek and Diane, I swear to God. Toward the end, we're STILL getting flashes of them in the split screens. After they're supposedly done. *keeps an eye on them* Even so, know what? They make me miss Crazy Mama and Beroohz. Sure, we get hostage situations, but where is our death via shovel pummeling, I ask you!

- Dude. Jack broke up with Diane and KISSED OMG. But Derek didn't get a good-bye. Woe.

- Aaron kicks ass. ♥ And that one SS agent under his command needs to learn not to question authority when given a direct order. "And what about you?" Dude, none of your business. Do what Aaron told you, end of discussion. Hmph.

- Still likin' McGill. I'm shocked, too.

- Hey, it's noon. When does Jack like, eat? He missed breakfast!

I purposely didn't watch the previews for next week. They always give too much away. But now I'm all worried over what I missed. :|

tv: 24, teevee

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