This week in TV

Sep 30, 2005 15:12

What's scary is that I still have shows to watch, like O.C. and Reunion.


Lots of nice camera work tonight. The split screens, the float up through hotel floors, v. nifty.

Nick still seems pretty steady. We even got a big Nicky laugh and he's teasing the boys! Which is good to see. Even if I'm jonesing for some Nick Angst.

Did notice that Archie reacted when Nick came in to talk to him about the case. Was totally friendly, but he tensed. Not only is Archie one of two people who've heard Nick's good-bye tape, but he also knows that nightmare isn't over, that the head psycho who orchestrated the whole kidnapping is still out there.

I admit to losing interest in the Asian storyline. I think I got confused who was who in the beginning and then it was downhill for me from there. Once I'm confused, oy. Not to mention I couldn't concentrate after Al dug that piece of CD out of the guy's eye. OMG FREAKING OUT. I think that was worse for me than Sawyer digging out his own bullet the other night. *body shudder*

I kept waiting for it to come out that the thief in the VIP room had been there for the movie star, not the girl, and the money the manager gave her was to cover. Or that she was a cover for movie star and the BFF. Slash has indeed taken over my life kthx.

Here's where some more of my confusion sets in. So the movie star died pantyhoseing scarfing? After the girl left? Uh-kay.

Hodges asleep at the microscope, omg I die. And then asking Catherine about "friends turning into something more" ... the way she pauses, she's thinking about Warrick. :(( You just know his long night he bragged about was nothing erotic, but like, helping her fix her computer or something. *pets Hodges*

Grissom, "Uhh...Brass?" Love that. Wonder if he was remembering the time he got slammed up against the interrogation room wall by a suspect. Also, I miss Grissom's straw hat. Gotta wait for another day case, I guess. His calling Catherine then waving at her from outside the police line, heh. He's all kinds of chipper since he got his team back, isn't he?

"...packing a friendly concealed weapon..." *dead* But I did think the BFF would have been more broken up that his childhood friend was dead. :\ Can you imagine Brass talking to Michael if Brian had died? Whoooa. Big difference. Guess we can blame the Italian queen genes, but STILL.

Greg and Ecklie is ... creeping me out. WTF? Why would Greg be kissing Ecklie's ass?


I'm officially saying here I think Vaughn's "death" was the actual extraction. At least that's how they'll explain it if Vartan ever comes back. (OMG plz come back when sight of Bennifer doesn't make you want to die. I miss you already. :( )

Awesome opening scene. Syd's instincts, even after a crash, make me love her. The tension in the corn field -- OMG I LOVE THAT SCENE. The way it was shot like we were hiding with her and the hyper-acute sounds of the footsteps and breathing and corn leaf thingies, plus the vivid colors -- SO DAMNED GOOD.

That hospital scene killed me, I was all teary. Maybe because I was watching like it was Jennifer and Michael saying good-bye and omg. :((

Poor Syd. The girl is gonna get a complex with fiancés, man.

No one does slo-mo scenes like Alias. I know they annoy some people, but I find them so powerful.

Isabel Bristow Vaughn is adorable. Let's just hope it's a girl. Otherwise the future Mr. Isabel is gonna be downright grumpy. Okay, I can see her naming a boy after Vaughn. Just, er, which name to pick? Adrian or Michael. Both, maybe. :|

The mental picture of Vaughn and Weiss waltzing is one I will treasure forever. That cracked me up. And Syd being so charmed by it. So sweet. Also, Jen was mega pregnant in that scene.

Cheestastic parachute shot.

Kinda guessed the big honcho guy wasn't who he said he was. Did no one check him out before letting him take over the giant huge case involving Syd's entire life? :|

So Marshall has met his nemsis? Hmph. Money says they lock horns later on in the season. Duel computing across continents, something. And I wanted her to be dorky looking too, hmph. And really, I would have been more impressed has she actually CRACKED HIS CODE. Not just finding the key. And how did Marshall let that slip?!

But, hey, Nadia is still in her coma. Yay!


*insert Sawyer squeeage here* Just ... everything. Everything about him, what he said/did, everything. :X :X :X

I wished Michael would drown. Then that the shark would eat him.

"What are you going to do, splash me?" Then Michael does -- and the raft breaks up. Dude. Sensitive raft. Still, their bickering was pretty entertaining, heh.

Michael's wife must have attended the Lindsay Peterson School of Yoinking Children From Their Fathers. :| :| :| Seriously. She was CHOOSING for him to be a bad father HERSELF. SHE'S the one who made the decision he should pursue his career and not his child and who the hell says it has to be either/or, bitch? And the guy she picks is one who dumps Walt off with his father years later after wife dies. Grrr. Doesn't make me like Michael any more, though. (The storytelling for him in this ep was nicely done, I just don't like him.)

OMGWTFPOLARBEAR!! That makes two. Wasn't there a polar bear in a comic book last season?

So this guy has to reset that thing every 108 minutes? Serious pain in the ass, man. What it resets is what I want to know. The hatch's equivalent of ife support, I guess?

Kate's little moan eating the chocolate bar (or was it a protein bar? I wasn't sure) was perfect. Even as I was yelling, "JUST GRAB A BUNCH AND GET MOVING, GIRL!" So scary. :S

POOR JIN. The whole time, I'm like, um, shouldn't someone be looking for him? Then to find out he's been with The Others. AND COULDN'T COMMUNICATE WITH THEM. Of course, they didn't look too talkative, all zombie-ified. :\

Charlie and the coke. Oh nooooo. Be strong, Chuck. :((

I'm actually getting used to that hatch song.



Yep, that's right, I lost my House cherry this week. I watched my first House ep. About time, right? OMG I KNOW OKAY. AM BEHIND THE REST OF THE WORLD. But Gio convinced me of the greatness. :X

Okay. So. First impression? OMG THAT HOUSE PERSON ANNOYED ME.

I don't think it helped that I'd seen a House spoof on MadTV before I'd ever seen an ep. All the idioscyncries the spoof targeted were like neon on the show as I watched and it was driving me nuts lakdjf.


About 45 min in, I started To Get It. House is a snarky little bastard, isn't he? He'll have to be my faux Brian now. Only less pretty. Cos, yeah, don't really have a desire to see House's naked back or pretty red mouth going down on that young blond doctor. O.o

There was a cock fight, just not the fun kind. I'm completely traumatized. That made me cry.

I'm not sure about the boss lady yet. Her uber guilt was sounding like blah blah blah omg shut up to me after awhile. She has good taste in handymen, tho. OMG PRETTY ONE-HANDED BOY. And his right hand, too. Jerking off is going to be speshul with his left hand for awhile.

So, yeah. While I'm not near as obsessed as I am with other shows, I betcha in a month's time I'm quoting House. ;))

I just tried to get showtimes for Into the Blue, but Fandango only has one movie listed at the theatre right now: Serenity. Which I also want to see, but still. Not helping me right now, Fandango. >:0!!1

Okay, I'm off. Then the catching up of old comments shall commence in a grand fashion.

tv: lost, movies: into the blue, tv: alias, tv: csi, tv: house, movies, teevee

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