
Oct 06, 2012 00:23

Revolution, 1.02

Charlie's mom is alive! Which means more Elizabeth Mitchell for us -- flashback AND now present day. SCORE! :D

This has been a good year for Thomas C. Howell! The Amazing Spiderman and then an NBC series. You go, dude! But first, um, can you explain to me why your character would ruin his hand punching through a train car wall to escape when it'd make more sense to use his legs, being stronger and, y'know, safely covered in boots, to kick his way out? Cos I'm starting to think you mighta dropped out of The Boba Fett School of Bounty Hunting.

Charlie fell off a mini-cliff and hurt her ankle just as stalker!boyfriend was following her and I was already rolling my eyes and annoyed that of course they're turning her character into the damsel in distress--AND THEN SHE WHIPPED OUT THE CUFFS AND TRAPPED THE GUY THERE AND HER ANKLE WAS NEVER HURT AND OMG I WANTED TO JUMP UP AND CHEER THANK YOU TEEEVEE GODS.

Well, Google lasted exactly ONE ep before telling someone about the USB thingie he has, heh.

Y'know, Monroe reminds me of XMFC's Erik and his eventual transformation into Magneto.

Revolution, 1.03

Miles turning out to be the creator of the Galactic Empire Monroe Militia WAS AWESOME. I didn't see that coming at all. I figured it would be something like they parted after Monroe lost his mind and took the fighting to bloody levels Miles didn't agree with, like on their road trip, but flipped around. But this? Is a whole level of awesome. I can't wait to see more flashbacks on how it all came about. Miles Matheson, General of the Militia. "Now you know why the militia cannot be stopped. Because they're mine. I trained them." And I liked how it shook up Charlie's view of her uncle -- but didn't make her walk away. And Miles' choked up, "Don't you ever, ever disrespect your dad." That was such a great moment. Family. ♥

So Miles and Monroe spent at least 4+ months walking across the country together because Miles needed to find his brother, and Monroe wouldn't let him go alone cos Miles was his family and there were soulful looks exchanged. It's like TPTB want me to ship these two aldkalkj. And then as if that wasn't enough awesome, along the way they save the life of a stranger, Jeremy, who I'm guessing then joins them on their journey and later as part of their militia, and BAM! We officially have a triangle, yo! And Jeremy telling Miles, "Monroe hasn't been the same since you left." ♥

Jeremy, "This is so dramatic. You guys remember One Life To Live?" LOL.

Which reminds me... I'm thinking the baby Nora lost was Miles'. I know she was with Larry (I think his name was?) at the time she got attacked, but it was pretty glaring that she never actually said the baby was his. And she did say she fought for her and Miles to work. I can see her leaving him, knowing she was pregnant, when it became clear it wouldn't and then meeting Larry.

To be honest, I was prepared to give up on this series midway through 1.02, cos, wow, I was bored and spent most of my time skipping the long build-ups to the militia violence, cos, srsly, boooooooring. But then the last coupla big reveals happened and things got way more interesting and, okay, I'm still in, show. DAMN YOU. :D

And, hey, Revolution, Go On, and The New Normal already all got full-season orders. \:D/

Also tried out Partners. That? Was awful. I made it about 5 minutes. Too bad, cos I really like Michael Urie. :(

matthew chandler bing perry, tv: the new normal, tv: revolution, teevee that sucks, tv: go on, teevee

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