40ft fassy ftw

Jul 14, 2012 23:52

01. Saw Prometheus, or WTF Just Happened: Starring Michael Hot Ass Fassbender. I have never been so in love with a film and so confused at the same time. (Which makes sense considering Damon Lindelof co-wrote. It really was like a two hour Lost ep: gorgeous and intriguing and utterly confusing. Only there's no new ep next week, that'll be a couple years, and it still prolly won't make sense. Oy.) Anyway, film was GORGEOUS and overwhelming and fun, but, wow, the levels of stupid in those scientists, it buuuuuurns. Also I might've squeed that the central character is named Shaw. HELLO ALIEN/XMFC XOVERS PLZ COME INTO MAH LIFE IMMEDIATELY.

02. No idea what this is from, but have some Gale just standing there, looking edible. ♥__♥

03. Randy's Brian (that still makes me lol) took his toys and went home. :(

04. Hey, here's a little fact that's super important: A Randy without eyebrows is a Randy I'm going to have nightmares about omg. I AM STILL A LITTLE TRAUMATIZED KTHX.

05. Been watching The Killing. I know, I know. But I my fascination with Linden pretty much guaranteed I wasn't going to boycott season two, no matter how much the S1 finale annoyed. Good news is I'm still loving her. And the show, for the most part. Aside from the fact that Darren lived through that shooting. I can't tell you how badly I wanted that man TO DIE ALREADY. This is already a slow-moving series and then every other scene is Darren laying in a hospital bed, staring at the walls. And I know I'm supposed to have some sympathy, but I just, ugh, I just don't have any emotional connection to him at all. (The political storyline bored me to tears in S1 too.) So I basically just zone him out and imagine he's Charles Xavier and, I dunno, use the images as fodder for when I read XMFC fics.

Every episode, I want Mitch's kids to go to a therapist and get actual help, I swear. They basically just get yelled at, threatened, ignored, lied to and then taken to school where they're bullied and stalked by the mob. SOMEONE STEP IN FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S SANE.

Which is also my reaction to Linden's son. Every day spent alone in a hotel room. :\

But omg. Holder realizing he was duped with that doctored photo and going to Linden but she won't have anything to do with him and is in fact SCARED OF HIM and keeping him from her son and then him getting called out on getting his detective badge by being a dirty cop and then beating up his old dealer and his NA meeting hook-up and ending up pacing in the middle of traffic, distraught, and then Linden -- LINDENNNNNN -- shows up immediately when his hook-up calls her and she gets him back by her side again in her brilliantly gruff way and he shows her the real backpack and just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love.

I don't ever want those two to hook-up, but I adore them as partners. Cos, srsly, the show is best when it's the two of them bouncing off each other and working together. If we'd just stick with them and the freakin' Rosie case, I'd be a happy camper. (And Gwen. I'm oddly fascinated with her. I'm hoping we keep getting her story in DC. Or better yet, that she comes back to WA. Though then she'd prolly be in Darren's storyline and I'd have to bang my head against a table v. slowly.) The rest is just the stuff I end up fast-forwarding through.

Okay, onto 2.03+.

gale howard, tv: the killing, movies, randypants, randy is a twit(tererer), 31 days of ree, randy/brian not kinney, movies: prometheus, fandom boo, fassy, teevee, it's like where's waldo but with gale, picspam: gale

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