carolruga, I shall now smother you in kisses, brace yourselves. :X :X :X :X :X :X
02. Few days ago I finally got fed up with AOL never delivering LJ notifications and switched everything over to a gmail account to see if that would work. And it did! But then not everything was getting delivered or just vanished after the first notice and omg so confusing. And then. Um. Three guesses on how long it took me to figure out that the (numbers) next to an email meant it was, y'know, part of that thread. GMAIL IS SO WEIRD Y'ALL. I'm used to every mail coming in individually. But I'm getting the hang of it now and dude. DUDE. I think I'm in love. Gmail is catching mail that even my LJ inbox isn't. WHAT. AWESOME. Plus, y'know, getting mail again at all is a pretty orgasmic experience. I shoulda done this last year!
03. So
House finally got cancelled and I dunno, I'm pretty meh about it. I haven't even gotten around to watching the last few eps that've aired. It's been 8 yrs and at this point, I'm more interested in what the actors will do next. Still, am gonna miss House and Wilson being dysfunctional life partners together every week.
alexoloughlinrocks.com is back! My huge sigh of relief could've easily powered like, ten blowjobs.
Fassy is gonna be on this weekend's new Top Gear. OMG OMG OMG.
06. Know what's awesome? Getting a preview button back on default comment pages thanks to
this handy-dandy little Greasemonkey script. I use Chrome and it was super easy to do. Though reading how quick and easy
soph did it while LJ moaned how "OMG WE CAN'T DO EEET IT'S SO HARD
" is making me v. :| at them. (And I haven't done this, but
to get subject lines back.)
New Spiderman trailer, omg.
Click to view
08. Which reminds me!
Andrew & Emma being adorable kittens in love. I ship them so hard. Even if my J/A brain pictures Jesse biting his lip all sad and angsty when he sees them. The way he holds her hand against his chest. I'll just be over here in the corner whimpering. Also? They have matching red pants in their closets. MFEO, I'm telling ya. They would have the cutest, palest bbs evah. Also, ANDREW'S OUTFIT IS MAKING ME FLAIL SO HARD. He just looks so huggable.