userstyle: livejournal release 88 tweaks

Dec 29, 2011 15:13

title. Livejournal Release 88 Tweaks
browsers tested. Chrome, Firefox, Safari & Opera [added!]
description. Some tweaks to Livejournal's new default comment pages.

extra! extra! (added 01/05)

I made a script to  get the subject field back « updated 02/24 » . I heard some people like them? :D

  • (02/24) Fixed to work with Release 89. Sorry I'm late -- unfortunately, I was sans internet the last couple of days. Livejournal's latest release borked the keywords-only userpic selection box among other things, but I've fixed that now. Check the details in the userstyle page under version 2.5.2 to 2.5.4 for more info on other added tweaks.
  • (01/28) the style has long been compatible with Safari, but I've only just now added instructions for it. Do excuse my laziness. Also, version 2.5 is up, and it is now possible for Opera users to join in on applying these tweaks. \o/
  • (01/06) we're up to version 2.4.2 now! I noticed that there was a stupid mistake in the code that was affecting custom comment pages. Only Chrome users would've been affected. The subject field was being moved to the right when that behaviour should've been occuring only in default comment pages. Sorry about that; it should be fixed now. Please update accordingly.
  • (01/05) version 2.4.1. See the userstyle page for deets. IMPORTANT: If you are using Chrome and plan on using the Livejournal - Show Subject Field script, there are alignment issues there that can be fixed with the latest version of Release 88 Tweaks.
  • (01/01) fixed and changed a few things and some bugs. See under version 2.3 in the userstyle page for more details
  • (12/31) new option: SELECT A USERPIC WITH KEYWORDS ONLY. Of course, if you'd rather select a userpic by browsing your icons, that remains an option as well.

  • other updates: cleaned up the box containing userpic icons and keywords, removed gradient at the top of comment section and around comment text input area, fixed background color of collapsed comment when choosing "none", adjusted blue color around Post A New Comment, made the container of the list of userpic keywords longer, some other tiny adjustments here and there

other info.

  • choice between Blue (#ACE) and Light Blue (#BDF) -- colors both used before in LJ's previous default comment pages -- for the comment headers (Livejournal's new default is a bright blue gradient made of two colors designed to make them supposedly "pop up". This userstyle flattens it to one color.)
  • optional background color when you hover over a collapsed comment
  • choose either grey (#F9F9F9) or white as background color
  • changed font to Verdana and made font sizes a tad smaller
  • moved margins in post and comments
  • stop that disappearing buttons and options business and keep them visible at all times
  • removes that fugly blue border around add comment button (and preview if you have it)
  • little nitpick-y things I won't bore you with

If you are using either Firefox or Chrome:
  1. Install the Stylish extension. (Firefox) (Chrome)
  2. Go to my userstyle page here. (Check out more screencaps there.)
  3. Pick out which options you'd like. Click Install with Stylish.

And you're done!

As for Safari: (added 01/28)
  1. Go here to install the unofficial Stylish extension for Safari.
  2. Click the 'S' icon that should now be near your address bar. Click 'Find more'.
  3. On the narrow column on the left, click 'Search' and in the search box, write the name of the userstyle ("Livejournal Release 88 Tweaks").
  4. Click 'Install'.
  5. Theoretically it should work now, but if things still don't look like they ought to, click the Stylish icon again and then 'Manage'. Under the name of the userstyle, click the button that says 'Check Updates' then after the little busy icon stops spinning, click 'Update'.

That should do it! Unfortunately, your options are limited by the extension, so you'll have to make do with the defaults. If you really really really want to use the other options, just comment here with your preferences, and I'll give you the relevant parts of the code to either remove or copy and paste.

If you're using Opera: (added 01/28)

Install style as CSS:
  1. Go here to the userstyle page. (If you've gone to that page before, reload it again to keep Opera from giving you old data.)
  2. Pick out which options you'd like. Even if you're picking the defaults, click them still on the drop-down menus.
  3. Click 'install as plain CSS'. Do not right-click and 'Save Linked Content As...'. After clicking the link, you should be able to see the actual written code. 
  4. Save the page in the folder where you keep your Opera stylesheets (probably somewhere like C:/Program Files/Opera/styles/) as "namethatyouwant.css".
  5. Go to Opera > Page > Style. Make sure Author Mode is chosen. Click 'Manage Modes'. Under the display tab > my style sheet, find and choose "namethatyouwant.css" which you saved earlier. Under presentation modes tab > author mode, make sure 'My style sheet' has a checkmark next to it. Click OK. And you're good to go!
     Install style as JavaScript:
  1. Be sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. (Check this out for instructions; just ignore the part after the last screenshot, since while that may be useful for, it's not for styles w/ options.)
  2. Go here to the userstyle page. (If you've gone to that page before, reload it again to keep Opera from giving you old data.)
  3. Pick out which options you'd like. Even if you're picking the defaults, click them still on the drop-down menus.
  4. Click 'install as user JS'. Do not right-click and 'Save Linked Content As...'. After clicking the link, you should be able to see the actual written code. 
  5. Save the page in the folder where you keep your Opera scripts (probably somewhere like C:/Program Files/Opera/scripts/) as "namethatyouwant.user.js".
  6. And that's it! Load or reload the livejournal comment pages to see the userstyle in action.
Both of them have their drawbacks -- the CSS might affect other sites besides LJ, while JavaScript loads only after the page itself finishes loading, so you'll see the site without the userstyle for a few seconds every time -- but if it's just me, I think I'd rather go with installing the style as CSS. (As I said, it *might* affect other sites -- so far, I haven't seen it happen yet.)

Also recommended: How to Get the Preview Button Back.

updating this userstyle.
  • If you are using Firefox, go back to my userstyle page. There should be a nice, big button there that says Update. After setting your options, click it and all should be well.
  • If you are using Chrome, uh, tough luck, but I think you'll have to uninstall the old userstyle first and then install the updated version. I use Chrome most often, and this is how I do it. Bit inconvenient, but it works anyhow. There just ain't no shiny Update buttons in for Chrome. Sorry! If anyone else has a better idea for a more seamless way of updating in Chrome, please do share with the rest of the class!
  • Safari: Click the Stylish icon, then Manage. Under the name of the userstyle, click the button that says 'Check Updates'. After the little busy icon stops spinning, click 'Update'.
  • Opera: Yeah, sorry, but I think you'd have to check manually too if the style has been updated or not, then delete the old style (or script if you went the Javascript route) so you can replace it with the updated one. Again, if anyone knows a more convenient way of doing this, I'm all ears.


The following are screencaps of sample LJ pages with the userstyle.

sample entry



  • If you are using LJ's Vertigo (vertical navigation) site scheme and want to turn the sidebar back to blue, make sure you have White as the background color of the userstyle, and then delete .s-horizon, from the code (don't forget the dot and the comma). I don't know yet how to fix this with Very Light Grey as the background color, sorry.
  • To be more specific about the browsers, the following are my best guesstimates of which versions are compatible with this style: Chrome 10+, Firefox 4+, Safari 5.1+, and Opera 11.10+. Feel free to try the style with other versions -- let me know if it works out!

just to be clear about those pesky subject lines/fields.
  • The userstyle discussed here, Livejournal Release 88 Tweaks, moves the subject *lines* back in the header. If you want the subject *field* back, i.e. the box wherein you enter your subject in the first place, you'll need my userscript Livejournal - Show Subject Field.

Like this style?

resources: livejournal

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