"we are golden, we are golden!"

Sep 09, 2010 02:03

01. Hellcats, YOU WIN AT LIFE. I can already tell this show is gonna be like crack for me. Gale is gonna fit right in. Especially if they give him some quirky humor to work with. And a boyfriend.

Hellcats, 1.01

Okay, so, I like Marti. But for some reason she reminds me of Gossip Girl's Jenny. I don't even know why. I guess the 'wrong side of the tracks' thing + blonde hair + just the way she carries herself. I have my fingers crossed that that goes away, cos I really despise Jenny, and my brain won't stop going there. :\ And so glad they gave Marti a gymnastics background, cos I was :| facing with just the throw-away comment about how she picked it all up from bars growing up.

Savannah is pretty damned great. I want her to write something on my arm with Magic Marker RIGHT NOW. That "fight" she and Marti had in the office was cracking me up. "...everyone's looking. D:"

Love Gail O'Grady as Marti's mom. The love/hate Marti has with her could be really interesting, so I'm hoping they don't turn into a one-dimensional gimmick. Plus it means there are two Gail/Gales on the set and that tickles me, hee. /am 10-years-old

I'm so in the Marti/Lewis fanclub. Though I also wouldn't mind some Marti/Savannah. It is college afterall.

02. So, yeah, I completely chickened out watching True Blood with xocydcharisseox last weekend. I'll wait a minute while everyone who guessed this would happen collects on their bets... do-dee-do-dee-do. It's just, y'know... vampsomgscary! D: I was actually bummed, cos she'd been sending me pics of Askars and his dorkiness calls to me. So instead we started with the Generation Kill mini-series, conveniently also with Askars. Score! Watched the first two eps together so far (gonna watch more soon, so no spoiling me!) and have come to the conclusion that Ray is awesomesauce. And that I already ship Ray/Brad. I feel like there should be a huge multi-chapter fic titled Shut up, Ray! and contain lots of naked times and Ray speeches on life and Brad being broody while holding a gun.

03. so_wildish <--- Oh no! Anyone know what happened? I'm so sad. :((

04. Shatner did an interview with the NY Times and consequently won the internetz. Just one of the many quotes that cracked me up and reminded me why I love him:
Another S.U.V. pulled up. A beautiful young woman got out. Shatner and I fell silent. We watched her until she disappeared into the stables. We looked at each other. "I saw her in Kroger the other day," Shatner whispered, "but I was afraid to go up to her."

LOL FOREVER. Between that and him picking out what everyone should eat (I'd let him eat fries off my plate any day) and his adorable banter with his wife, I was loling every few lines. Also, I can't believe he's 79-years-old. 79! He's more active than I am. :|

05. In case I wasn't already hyper enough about the upcoming VMAs this Sunday and having my girlfriend Chelsea Handler hosting, it just got announced that Princess Pine will be a presenter. I AM EXCITE. Now if only ZQ would fly in and be his +1.

06. YOU GUYS. ragingpixie WROTE NEW QAF FIC! She makes me miss those boys so fucking much, I swear.

recs, gale howard, tv: generation kill, chris so fine pine, recs: qaf, tv: awards, flist, teevee, shatner is da shit, tv: hellcats

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