Oscarpalooza 2010

Mar 19, 2010 17:21

BUT FIRST THE V. PRETTY MR. PINE BEING V. PRETTY THERE. Now usually I prefer the t-shirt and jeans look for guys, but the boy does wear a tux mighty nicely. Especially when it is all tailored and guh. He was running late and had to hurry into the awards, why you ask? Because his mom was his date and she was giddy taking pictures on the red carpet aldfjsalj. SO MUCH LOVE. Speaking of love...

The elusive Pinto was captured on film! They're like the Gale/Randy of Trekville. Getting evidence of them together in the same room is like the rare dodo. BUT OMG THEY WENT TO A PRE-OSCAR PARTY TOGETHER.

Or as I like to think of it: The party they go to after having made out all evening on Zach's couch. Judging by that cheezer, even the guy in the backseat knows I speak the truth.

I was bummed Zach wasn't spotted at the Oscars, tho.


The Good

OMG SHE'S AN ANGEL. CLEARLY MY FAVORITE AND OMG SHE WON TOO AND HER ACCEPTANCE SPEECH MADE ME CRY. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (And now I guess it just broke news that Jesse's been having an affair? BASTARD.)

Demi kickin' fashion ass. That bodice is just so gorgeous. See, Miley, this is how you do small boobies.

Hot damn! I don't usually like the dresses that look like you have another dress standing next to you, but I gasped when I saw this one. Girlfriend got her fashion mojo back!

So light and floaty and romantic and her hair makes me whimper. I'm not sure about the shoes, tho. Psst, Miley, TAKE NOTES ON HER SMALL BOOBIES KTHX. That woman in the back looks like she's from the Randy Harrison School of Gonna Cut a Bitch aldfkja.


So much ♥. Her hair and make-up alone deserve an award.

Lovedlovedloved this color on her, guh. She was such a firecracker on the red carpet. ♥

Lookit Ms. Thang workin' eet. :D

Ms. Queen, you are a goddess.

The "I Don't Care What The Fashionistas Say, I Loved These Dresses" Category

OMG DO NOT JUDGE ME OKAY. My gut was OMGHORROR, but I do get what she was going for, that old Hollywood bohemian thang and it fits her personality. Plus her make-up/hair is awesome. And reminds me of a Romulan. /ST nerd

I LOVED THIS. She looked gorgeous and all dramatic. ♥

Okay, okay, yes, it did look better on the runway model because she was taller, but I still think Diane gave it her own va-va-voom factor. Look at that back! Guh. And her hair! Guh guh.

The Bad

More Grammys, not Oscars. I just... So close. On the upside, I LOVE her hair and shoes.

I feel guilty putting my girl Maggie on the Bad list aldkjfas. It's so pretty on her! Just, y'know, like Carey, not for the Oscars. That said, it totally fits her personality. ♥

OH MILEY. Well, that top is just a crime against boobies. She was so close! The bottom of the dress and jewelry and hair are lovely. Just, y'know, your shoulders shouldn't feel the need to crouch over to protect boobage. :\ And what was she even doing there? I know, I know, she has movies. I just... Sigh.

Penny, why? :( It's like she wrapped a sheet around her and left the house. The color, tho -- SO PRETTY.

*blink* *yawn*

It looked so familiar and then I remembered...

...Amy wore it at the Golden Globes!

The Ugly


I just... Molly, noooo. *weeps*

:\ The top started out so pretty, too.

Tina, you know I love you. But I'm begging you to get a stylist. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY. :(

There's a Vera in there somewhere. I'LL SAVE YOU VERA.

The Guys

Hi, Sam.

DUDE. IT'S KEANU! :D Was he in a movie I missed? I don't even care. I'm just tickled to see him. Mmmm, beard.

I'm not a fan of the longer hair. :| But it's GEORGE. So, yeah. ♥

RDJ YOU ARE SO INAPPROPRIATE. Just how I prefer you.

Huh. There weren't v. many guys I was all that excited to see that night. Life hard.

tv: awards, picspam: awards, chris/zach, pinto, chris so fine pine, oscars, celebs

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