Gale shows up unexpectedly to help Randy film his new movie!
• New stills from Randy's tAB project
thinking, woot! AKA, The Randy Half-Beard Forever Immortalized On Film. See, this is what happens when he films while doing theatre. I AM V. EXCITED ABOUT THIS. And more good news:
"Once the film is done, we will be submitting it to festivals nationally (CA and beyond) and internationally.". DOES THIS MEAN RANDY WILL BE SHOWING UP AT FILM FESTS BECAUSE OMG YOU KNOW ONE MR. HOWARD WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE AND WE MIGHT JUST GET A MINI-REUNION WITH NAKED TIME. Plus, y'know, I'd like to see it myself. And Randy's movie, too. :p
here. Thank you!
THE PRISON-STRIPEY HAT O' LUV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, prison-stripey hat. I have missed you terribly. Thank you for making Randypants' head look smaller.
Well, hello, Randycrotch and toes. Been a long time. You never write or call... I have no idea what this movie is about, but it already looks adorable. Plus, Randy possibly showing off his v. bendy body in various yoga poses = v. good thing!
Wait, let's imagine it...
Even Randy can't stop staring at his bubble butt. ;D
But it's harder to learn on your own. So Gale brought Randy to one of his Naked Yoga For Men classes.
Seeing the 2nd still, suddenly this makes so much more sense! But where are our colorful little butt cushions in the movie? :(
Her hand is totally touching his fuzzy cheek. I do not think it's odd at all that that alone made me squee. Also, I want to tuck in his shirt tag so bad. IT'S BUGGING ME OMG.
*iz all come hither yo* Heh, just realized this is the only full-on photo of him. All the others are profiles.
And a naked yoga class, oddly enough. I'm just worried The Jerry Seinfeld Law of Things That Should Never Be Done Naked apply to yoga.
Then again... (link: NSFW!!!!) Hmm. Must research more on this. *firm nod*