hi, my name is ree

Feb 25, 2008 14:04

And I'm an Oscars slut.

The Random Moments

Jon = ♥. His expression kills me, hee. "We sit around making catty comments about the outfits you all are wearing at home. That’s right, it goes both ways, people!" Bwa!

Gary Busey crashing Ryan's red carpet interview with Jennifer and Laura alkdfja. I WISH I HAD A SCREENSHOT OF JENNIFER'S OMGWTF o.O FACE, YOU GUYS. Gary was all *drunken garbling* to Ryan and then all *HUGS AND KISSES* Jennifer and she's all *OKAY WHAT?!*. So freakin' awesome. Also, Jen is totally my tv girlfriend.

What was she doing there again? :| (Yeah, doing coverage for TV Guide, but seriously. WHY. She and Joey Fatone were godawful.)

"I'm Halle Berry!" "Wait, why am I Dame Judy?" *dies*

So sweet! Jon letting Marketa come back to say her acceptance speech. ♥ Jon later relating how backstage, Glen was all, "Let's make them kiss!" with his and Marketa's Oscars and she was, "But they're both boys!" and Glen all, "But it's Hollywood!" *dies*

Owen!!! *grabby hands* ♥ He looked so freaked out. I kinda was expecting bursts of applause for him.

"How many are seeing this?" HEE! And Anne did a good job with the skit! Most times folks are lacking in teh funny. But she did good! :D

• Ryan Seacrest is a tool. Up to and beyond asking Jessica Alba if she was going to breastfeed. WTF.

• An Oscar Salute to Binoculars and Periscopes = funny. An Oscar Salute to Bad Dreams = not so much.


• Javier Bardem's acceptance speech, omg. :((((

• Dude, you will always be The Rock to me, no matter how many times you are announced as Duane Johnson.

• I'm really sick of that bee. And yet I still giggled at his past films, heh. "Me! Me! Me!"

• Making Jessica Alba host the Technical Awards was just mean.

• "And the baby goes too… Angelina Jolie!" Bwa!

• Dude. What was everyone slipping on at the podium??

• Dammit, George didn't win. I REALLY wanted him to give an acceptance speech and bring the funny. Plus then I'd have all the entertainment shows tomorrow to look forward to as he gave even MORE interviews at parties and such, but noooooo. Hmph.

• I was doing okay until Heath's photo flashed up. That was this solid kick to the chest.

OMG LET THE MOCKING OF CELEB FASHION BEGIN, WOOT! Actually, the awesome outnumbered the scary for once. Lotsa photos I compiled.

The Good

HOLY FUCKING MOLY. That dress was perfect on her. And her hair is angelic. She always does the best poses, too. She's my tv girlfriend when Jen is busy with Violet.

Speaking of Jen! The dress isn't even my favorite from the hips down (looks like an upside down See's Candies cup wrapper), but she just looked so beautiful. HER HAIR OMG. ♥

These photos don't do that dress justice, seriously. The top especially was just gorgeous!

Ignore the awful close-up photo, omg. She kicked ass in this thing. I ♥ her shorty hair!

The color, the roses, the shoulder loop, guh. I LOVED this on her. Ree!mom did not agree on the choice of red. There was popcorn thrown between us, is all I'm saying.

This woman always amazes me with how gorgeous she is. Also, I totally used to crush on Josh Brolin when he was on that series Young Riders.

She just does no fashion wrong, I swear. I wanna be her when I grow up.

I don't care what anyone said, I LIKED the feathers kthx. They drew away from her baby!belly, so there. And the color on her is lovely.

I wasn't too keen on this one at first sight, but it totally won me over.

So classic and elegant. Though her close-up hair isn't thrilling me.

I thought she looked v. cute in this. Perfect cut/color for her. Now if only she didn't have the voice of a trucker when she talked aldkja. (SHE IS V. SWEET YES I KNOW BUT SHE STILL SOUNDS LIKE A TRUCKER KTHX)

And then the dresses that will no doubt be torn apart by fashionistas everywhere, but I still liked, dammit.

Some called it boring, but I really loved this. She was simple and low-key and it just fit her personality. ♥

Okay, this dress I honestly didn't like much. But her hair! I love her hair! And anyone with a back that sexy makes my Good list kthx.

This is one of those instances where the dress would normally make me throw up in my mouth a little, but on the right person, it just fucking fits, y'know? This one was perfect for her personality. And the tat! Such love.

Was gorgeous when seen full-on as she walking across stage, guh. She shimmered! Though I'm sure a lot of folks are gonna give her grief for looking like she had a sweater on. :P

The Bad


Never anger a giant black trash bag. It will seek revenge.

Know what's even scarier? She's a costumer. Who won an Oscar. :| :| :|

This just makes me sad. :(((

She is so going to have a hair headache when she takes that severe thing down. The dress looks way too mature for her. Or something. I just know something's off. :\

That color does nothing for her. There were quite a lot of the mermaid cuts tonight. How do you even SIT in that? Much less eat at the parties? I'd be wearing elastic and stuffing appetizers in my purse adlkaj.

I'm not sure why you'd want layers of material on your hips and ass. o.O And for God's sake, Cameron, WOULD YOU JUST COMB YOUR HAIR FOR ONCE BEFORE GOING ON THE RED CARPET? :|

I love parts of this one. But her boobs look like angry eyes wanting to kill me. :S

I tried, people, I really tried.

The Guys

GEORGE!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D Her dress, however, makes me think of 1980's curtains.

Most of the guys just blend in, but this suit was awesome. Look at it!

Denzel had it goin' on tonight, yo. When he came across that stage. GUH.


I don't care how old he gets, he will always be Han Solo to me. Thus, I will always want to do him kthx. Also, Calista looks purdy. Though I do not want to do her.

Jason. Just cos I heart him. ;) Her dress, not so much.

I feel like I just now got an STD.

Johnny. Just cos, the sequel.

Josh! I adore him. But did he even have a reason to be there? He looks so lost. :\ But, wow. Those are some sized feet to rival Galeface.

The AIDs Project Los Angeles Viewing Party

Fashion-wise, Thea = Gale. Michelle = Randy. I AM ALL o.O LIKE JENNIFER GARDNER, Y'ALL.

OMG CUPCAKES! *licks inappropriately*

I can't wait for the E! Red Carpet Fashion Special. :D

tv: awards, picspam: awards, oscars, celebs

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