behold the powah of brian's dooooodle butt

Jan 17, 2008 02:43

For metafascinating, who sweetly asked for a doodle icon because "freakykat said the sun, moon and stars don't shine out of Brian's ass, but I'm almost positive that they do--I just need visual proof."

They so do, my friends, they so do. They even lift him off the ground! ;)


In other news, there was a new Grey's Anatomy! I know, I was shocked, too.

Grey's Anatomy

• I love Bailey, but I swear, this ep annoyed me so much, I was really hoping her baby would just die already. And her husband is seriously pissing me off. The guilt trips are getting old. Get a nanny or some hospital daycare or something and move the fuck on.

• I really want Rose/Derek to work because of my intense
!love and wanting her to stick around, but now he's made her into rebound girl and y'know that's not gonna work. :(

• I will always heart Alex and his dark soul. "Whatever happened to you was so bad, you can't talk about it..." Ree: *wibble* And I still think Alex/Izzie would work, dammit. Ying to his yang, yellow to his black!

And that's all I have to say about this ep. Bleh.

But then I finally caught Samantha Who? and everything is sunny again, yay! Though I think once again I've misplaced an ep somewhere.

Samantha Who?

That's who!
I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH ALDFJASLJ. I'm in immediate danger of developing a major Christina Applegate girlcrush. This show is such a perfect fit for her. She gets to be bouncy and then evol. All thanks to TWO of my sekrit TV kinks: amnesia and flashbacks! The cast is all kinds of awesome (her doorman is an ex-Vulcan aldkja) and the writing is pretty darned funny most of the time. And considering TV these days, that's saying something.

• SOOKIE IS BACK ON TEEVEE!!!! (Actually, I think I've spotted everyone but Lorelai and Rory around this season. And even then, Lauren Graham has a TV deal for 2008, woot! Assuming it ever gets filmed. *strike grumbling*) Some have said Dina = Sookie, just without the cookware, but beyond the BFF aspect, I don't see that at all. Sookie was one self-confident powerhouse. Dina is working on it. ;) Either way, I think Melissa chose perfectly here. She just fits this character and is awesome. ♥

• Sam trying to figure out if she liked carrot cake killed me. "Maybe I like carrot cake!" *big bite* "EW NO NO NO!!" *spit spit*

• Not that it doesn't have its contrivances. Trying to figure out what her job was cute, but all she had to do was call the company anonymously and ask. And the sex ep was my least favorite. The whole situation felt... unfunny and forced, I dunno. But even it still had a couple good parts, just can't remember them right now.

• Sam, trying to change her bad!boss ways, demands secretary!Tracy eat birthday cake -- then discovered she was diabetic adlfjask.

• "I just tracked him down to tell him I'm not stalking him." I DIED.

And every other scene kthx.

• With the exception of Eddie Cibrian as her boyfriend. :|

icons: doodles (qaf), tv: samantha who, icons: doodles, tv: grey's anatomy, icons: qaf, icons, doodles, doodles: qaf, teevee

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