White Trash and Rock at the Rock

Aug 09, 2004 11:44

I hate to be judgemental and condoscending, but white trash parents make me so AAANGRY! If I ruled a country, people would have to pass a parenting test before they are allowed to get married. And if they have kids before they're married then the kids are taken away and not given back until the parents pass the test. Included in the test would be a section on spanking technique and form.
I was at the clinic today for my allergy check-up and all the sudden this kid somewhere in the building starts throwing a tantrum at an eardrum-rupturing volume. Then we hear a "Stop that!" from a woman's voice, and then the kid comes screaming down the hall, banging on doors. This goes on for seriously, at merciful least twentyy minutes. Then we hear the thunder of the mom chasing him around and a "Come back here right now." Next thing we know, it starts banging on the door of the room I was in and then figures out how to open the door, steps in, and then his mom (who looks like and probably is white trash) grabs him. All this time he's screaming at the top of his lungs. The mom's like, "Bad boy. Stop crying this instant." In a harsh tone. I wanted to shoot the mom. I would have taken the child to the restroom and beaten it.
If I ruled a country, I would also ban country music. And NASCAR. And smoking. And beer. That way white trash wouldn't exist. Now I want to make it very clear that this is not one of those "If I were president" things, because I understand that all these things are terribly unconstitutional, and would be unheard of in the U.S. But this is "If I ruled a counry", meaning having unlimited authority. I'd write up my own constitution. The country would be a constitutional monarchy. And every family must own a gun.
And of course concealed weapons would be legal. There would be no welfare, or social security. Wow this is getting really in depth. I guess it's all to wipe out white trash. Ooh ooh ooh! And if a child over three years old threw a tantrum for more than twenty minutes and the parent/legal guardian was present and did not spank it, the parent would be shot. Just in the leg, though.
Rock at the Rock was actually really cool. I was pleasantly surprised with all the bands. Except Point Blank. grumble. Veracity would have gone so much better with the lineup. Seventh Day Slumber was actually really good. They weren't quite metal, they were... metrock. The guy sang AND screamed well, and it was about fifty-fifty between screaming and singing. Their music was awesome.
Oh man. I was walking around, in my dad's khaki army shirtthing, wearing my Five Iron duct tape bracelet and basketball sweatband half way up my arm, donning my green Chuck Taylor high-tops, and this girl just randomly asked me
Girl: Are you a prep?
Me: No..
G: Well you look like one.
M: What? No I don...
G: Yes you do, stop wearing those clothes.
M: Um, I think you're a little mixed up... [girl walks away.]

If I were clasified as anything (correct me if I'm wrong), I'd be a punk. I'd classify myself as a rebel, but how can anybody think I dress like a PREP?!?!?! Man.
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