Addie photo dump at 4 months

Mar 26, 2016 07:37

Life just keeps getting better. Some of the changes coming up are hard, but I have finally learned the lesson that you cannot do it all. At least not effectively or to the standards I like.

All the cliches are true. You don't know how much your heart could love. I find myself more in love with Addie everyday, but also the dogs and Travis. But not Monkey, that cat is a straight up lunatic. Thank goodness it's finally nice enough to kick her outside everyday!

This was Addie last night. I'd set her upright on my knees, and she'd wiggle her way to this position. And get stuck. And mad. 😝 I'm sitting there trying to get a photo of her grumpy face and every time she sees my phone she goes still. Smart little pumpkin.

My happy place. It's interesting, I really fought the idea of a kennel. I hated the idea of the dogs being away from us. But, Travis needed it for his sanity. My compromise is it had to have as many comforts as the home. He went above and beyond by putting in a heater and AC hahahahaha!! (Our house doesn't even have AC...) But the whole setup is such a gift and it just keeps getting better. I don't have to manage feeding dogs in small areas in our home, and I've finally upped my game on interactive food toys. I dedicate time every day to training and attention. They rotate through the house during the day, and Yankee and Beam sleep with me when Travis is traveling. Peach does too when she's not in season. Dixie will now pace all night long if she's inside at night, so we just bring her in during the day. I have to fight for my dog time, and so its more enriching. I am so grateful for the space, and hopefully soon I'll finish out buying storage shelving to get it all organized!

Addie and I went to the library story time to meet our baby group but when you're 5 minutes late, the dang thing fills up!! Aw well, the twins were also late and the others joined us when it was done. Addie was not impressed with her socialization and barely tolerated being put down, so we'll be doing this a lot more. When are the fear periods for kids? I swear this has more similarities to dogs than even I had anticipated...

Addie was helping me fold laundry, and I just thought this would be a cool photo. In 4 months she's gained 7# and 4.5 inches in length.

She still makes people work for her smiles and giggles, but when they come, oh my. I just want to squish her. (And I do because how could you not??) She's happy and content and curious and tolerant. So much fun discovering her personality.

Oh Peach and Monkey. Monkey likes to proof our training sessions. And attack Peach. So very helpful!

And why there are mesh liners in the crib - she already managed to get a foot stuck! She's become a wiggling machine, and now will happily hang out with toys in her crib and give me time to get stuff done. It's unpredictable though, sometimes 10 minutes and sometimes an hour. As long as there are few expectations, we're golden!

Her funny face repertoire is expanding 😂

Oh how the dogs adore her. Beam brings her offerings every time they're in the house together. ALL THE TOYS! He likes to be very close to her, and sniff her face. Which he does to me too. Love him.

4 months - where does the time go?!

I suppose I should start doing a weekly photo dump since 10 photos are just not enough for a month. We'll see how that goes.

Oh and one more thing. She hugs me back now. I can't even begin to describe how gratifying that is.

training, jim beam, cats, peach, addisonjoy, home, gratitude

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