Feb 22, 2007 00:03
I was sitting in my math class today and noticed a couple people that sitting next to each other writing messages back and forth on a piece of paper. Then that made my brain get flashbacks from high school when I used to do that with my friends. Or if I was completely bored in class I'd write my friend a note and fold it up all cool and decorate the paper. Ah those were the days....
Tonight was fun. I got to watch the Wings for the first time in a week since we don't get the channel that they were on from Saturday's game. It was nice to watch them. Datsyuk had a very nice breakaway shorthanded goal. Zetts also got a couple goals, one from a very nice pass from Dats, and the other was an empty netter to seal the deal. After the game I went down to the "study" room and watched a movie with some new friends. It's funny because it's halfway through the second semester and I finally feel like i'm becoming more social with the people on my floor. We decided that every week we're gonna have a movie or game night cause it was a fun time!
Last week I ordered a book from Amazon.com and I think it's coming tomorrow, i'm so excited!! i've been so impatient this past week, just ask my room mates, it's all i've been talking about! haha. I think it might actually be here, because at dinner i saw a bunch of packages at the front desk that hadn't been sorted through yet and i saw an Amazon box. Soooo i'm hoping it's mine!! I've been wanting to read for a while so this will be good to maybe get me away from my computer for a little bit. If you want to know what I ordered it's "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking. Physics nerdy stuff!! I'm excited. :D
I guess that's it for now.