Apr 01, 2005 13:20
wow, today has been the best day ever! well last night wasn't included because the boiler room on the first floor of my building exploded and the fire alarm went off and we were outside for about and hour and a half, and then we didn't have any water, but it was back this morning so i could shower...whew. But we did finish our fundraiser around here and the total so far is about 350 at least :). we will take it to the bank today. so first awesome surprise of today: I was leaving my building to go to class and i see that there are signs for my with all of my nicknames on them down the stairwell of my building so everyone can see them, and i get outside and outside my building are more messages for me written on the sidewalk in chalk, and then when i get to class with laura i see that there are more, which is a good 20 minutes away, so someone obviously went to a lot of trouble for this...thanks David!!!!! it was THEEEEEE BESSSSTTT! and later I was talking to Tyler and he asked my if me nickname was walter because he saw them...ha ha, yeah. and during math class, with 5 minutes to go Neil raises his hand right in the middle of the lecture and says "yeah, i just wanted to wish angela a happy birthday"....my face was so red! and everyone was laughing, but it was funny. SO Connell went on his random tangent, and I was so proud that it was on me :). Then I got home and my room is filled with streamers hanging from the ceiling...soooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!! Oh yeah, and this morning i randomly got a message from shawn from my P312/P312 class saying happy birthday and asking why i always look so cute in that class, he and "the boys were discussing it"...ha ha ha ...awesome? I think so. I still have yet to decide what we're going to do tonight, I need help deciding! We thought about going line dancing, painting things at the ceramic place, or playing laser tag. all of which are lame, but we are that type of people...just loving having fun doing stupid things.
On a bad note...i feel like a scummy person, it's not my fault, but something just doesn't feel right anymore...that's a sad thing, but whatever happens does :\ I just don't know what's going on anymore.
Thanks to everyone who sent me awesome birthday wishes!!!!! I'm off to take a nap and enjoy the rest of the day!
I hope my knee gets better so i can run the race tomorrow!!!!!