Mar 19, 2009 01:36

Well, yet another day posting. :) I'm impressed with myself, I really am. :) I don't think I've stuck with anything personal this long. Thank you all for reading, I know I have at least a few consistent readers. It's nice knowing my words are heard. Now, in response to my own assignment I'll list some things I like about myself. I like how affectionate I am, if you ever need a cuddle I'm here for ya. I like how I'm usually willing to listen and sometimes I even offer good advice. Physically I'm fairly nice looking. Perhaps not to everyone's taste, but then there's no one who is. I also like the fact I can knit, and am confident I could do complex lace if I put my mind to it, not an easy task, and not something everyone can do.

In daily going ons nothing much to report, slept a lot of the day away as I was up 'till the wee hours of the morning. Worked on some artwork, realised I'm a bit out of practice and really need to do that more. Expect some art from me in one of these updates.

So, for a topic from my list I think I'll talk to you about my dreams and a certain one that seems to be reoccurring. Well, not so much the dream itself as the concept and setting. The setting seems to be Atlantis. I've had dreams of different parts of the city. It seems to be a harbor type city, as one would expect. Huge lagoons. . . .standing on the shore and seeing more of the city's white buildings on the horizon beyond the water. . . Theses dreams feel real and familiar as if I'm just remembering something past.

And there's the magic school. Now. I've been having theses dreams longer than Harry Potter has existed. So it isn't influenced by that. Probably Final Fantasy or something like that. The structure of it really is interesting. The entrance is a little lower than the surrounding area, so you have to walk down a semi-circular staircase, not a lot of steps, it's just set down 3-5 feet, really. There are hand rails on the steps, I have memories of meeting up with friends on the steps, leaning on the hand rails and such. Friends oddly from my days back at Dolan where I had the same group of people in school for most of my years there. We wore robes. Not Harry Potter back robes, and not white Grecian styled “Atlantis” toga robes. Somewhere between those two examples, though. Except they are white. Possibly hooded, though it could be just some are. Like the famous magical school the robes seem to be a school uniform of sorts, not everyone in town wears them. I can't quite recall what others wear, though.

Upon entering the school one is struck by a seemingly impossible sight. ( Of course ) You step into a huge open area. To your right is the class rooms, and offices, and other such rooms, looking exactly like an apartment complex, I suppose. Balcony walkways on every story, stairs and elevators to each level. Did I forget to mention this is a decidedly modern Atlantis. Not hyper-tech utopia and not torch and oil lamp lack of technology, it wouldn't be far-fetched to build in Vegas. Some of the room have windows open to the entrance hall, some don't.

None of this is particularly spectacular. No. What's spectacular is looking to your left and seeing a wall made entirely of glass. No noticeable seams. Not too special until you realise this is a very, very tall and very large structure. I'm talking high-rise here, and the main hall reaches right to the roof, it's a single story. Still. I think something like this must exists somewhere. What makes this really unique is the fact you're looking out over a lake-bead. Not a dry lake-bed, either. The entire school, or perhaps just that half of it. . . . is submerged in a lake, built on the floor of it. About halfway up this gargantuan wall is the top of the lake. Sometimes there's a waterfall spilling into it over the window, sometimes not. It's possible I've just seen different sections and the waterfall is only in a small part, or it could be because it's some sort of spillway. I don't actually know. And I don't really know how the structure could exist especially given entrance to it, you don't go down far enough to be under a lake, just a few feet like I said. I do know, though, that the school is further inland. It's a lake, and not the ocean. And the lake window looks the opposite direction of the ocean. Which actually supports the spillway theory a bit more, natural waterfalls would be flowing in the direction of the ocean.

The school building is the tallest in Atlantis. It's a bit like a college town on the sea, heh. You see the pure white spires of the school from the ocean, and yet it has the weird waterfall and lake on the other side. . . I really don't know how it works. What I do know is it's an awesome sight. In the pure sense of the word in that one is struck by awe upon entering the school and being dwarfed by this huge wall and seeing the very bottom of a deep lake. It's very humbling. Which perhaps is the reason for it. So far I don't actually recall any lessons nor what happens in the school. I just recall the city and school very vividly. And doing some kind of water sports in the lagoon. Possibly surfing or sailing, I don't actually recall much aside from being on the water doing something. Heh. Perhaps windsurfing, that sounds probable.

You'll notice that I've recounted all this as if I was actually there and it isn't dreams I've been having. Well. It's because that's how it feels. I've never had that kind of awe from a dream as with the lake wall. And the dreams of the sea were so vivid that it didn't really feel new to me when I saw the ocean for the first time a few years ago. I only wish I could tak you there and let you experience it for yourself. . . .

This leads me to my request. Post a dream you've had that has felt so amazingly real that it's almost impossible to believe it was all a dream. I've had a few others, but none of them on this scale, and in fact the only other vivid one in my mind was a nightmare. But that was a one-shot dream, and not reoccurring in different places in the same location. I'll tell you about it tomorrow, as always. Thank you for reading. :)
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