Classes end tomorrow. In 15(ish) days, I will be a college graduate. That's right, a college grad muthafucka!!!! I am awesome! For graduation, I should ask for donations to the newly re-named I'm-A-Broke-Grad-Student-Fund (aka my bank account). But, it's come to my attention that my iPod only has about 2GB left on it. I want an iPod touch, but there's no point since there's so little room. Maybe they'll decide to issue a 120GB one (or even a 60GB one) by mid-May. Hopefully.
Still, before any of that graduation/gift-collecting can happen, exams! Tomorrow I have to give a presentation in one of my many half-learned, mostly useless foreign languages. Also, there's that pesky 15-page paper due Friday (the day after I slack off to see Franz Ferdinand for the night). I am going to start it any minute now, I swear!
As usual, instead of working on this stuff all weekend, I did other shit. Luckily, all of it was waaay more awesome shit that was totally worth blowing off work for.
Thursday: Booze with K and her semi-new bf. I enjoyed it, though she was 40mins late. I also realized that drinking alone is unpleasant. And that, to counteract this unpleasantness and my impatience, I drink much faster than I should. Anyway, I still had fun and we told a lot of great stories about our insane old roommates/neighbors.
Friday: Bought tickets to APW which is going to be amazing. Beastie Boys, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Vampire Weekend, Gogol, The Arctic Monkeys, and (most especially) the Black Keys. Plus, there were a bunch of birthdays at work this week so everyone decided to bring in food meaning (a) I didn't have to buy breakfast or lunch and (b) I got free danish, cupcakes, and bagels all day. That night, King Khan & the Shrines in BK!! I love them, they put on crazy fucking shows. He was much more dressed than when I saw him in December in his short-shorts and old-man socks. Darren Mabee showed up with his glitter, he shows up at a lot of things and is always entirely too scantily clad for my liking. Still, you gotta kinda love him for being crazy enough to just put it out there. Though, swallowing that much glitter cannot possibly be healthy.
Saturday: King Khan & the Shrines (again!) at Maxwells!! Fucking amazing. Astonishing. Hysterical. Even better than the night before, probably because Maxwells is so tiny and was sold-out. If you still haven't looked them up: King Khan is like a southasian James Brown/Iggy Pop/Madman, he can't be beat. And the Shrines are all foreign and nuts. And his go-go-dancer/cheerleader was the hardest working person on the stage for the second night in a row. The only thing better was the crowd. Carrot Top/Cake/Face/Fuck, the little asian dude, the crazy blonde chick, and the giant nearly-nakeder than the night before DM were fucking psychotic. Happily, I crashed at my friend's place so I didn't have to worry about getting home and got to enjoy a number of J&Cs at Maxwells. I love them cuz they're way more Jack than Coke.
Today: Woke up at 2 and raided A's fridge to find nothing was there. Then wandered outside to Hoboken's Arts Festival since he's just off Washington. It was raining so we didn't stick around long, just wandered through and ate a bunch and then I went home. Did some work around 7, then a shower and now TV (instead of work, as always).
I like JRM this week. He really plays Henry's devastation well. Cuz, trust me on this one, he was brokenhearted when she died. His castle planning is pretty classy. It was also good to see him finally pull it together at the end, even if it was just to form a church that oppressed my people for a few centuries. But whatevs. Also, JSYK, you couldn't see it but the look on his face said that he totally cried after (and maybe a little during) sex with that chick.
Charles Brandon, the love of my historical life, is amazing as always. Still sexy as a motherfucker. And his poor (adorably) pregnant wife. Henry loses major points for ruining their lives like this. I totally hope he cuts Cromwell who, as I said before, better get out of his grill before I cut him! And how dare he play the conscience card after ordering him to do all that shit, cuz we all know it was a burn on him being a child-killer. (Note: yes, this totally makes C-Bran [yes? no?] kinda evil. but his hotness and the fact that he was devastated to do it means I can forgive him)
I gotta say, the string of assassinations and the battle outside the castle certainly turned up the awesome as well.
On to Breaking Bad. I get that Jesse is a major fuck-up most of the time. And that Walt is under a lot of stress all the time. But still, that's no excuse for being a complete cock to the one guy who is helping you more than anyone else, who is basically setting up your family's future.
As it turns out, Tommy Gavin is still crazy. I fucking loved the Stephanie March cameo, but then I love Stephanie March. I cannot explain how excited I am that she's back on SVU.I'm happy that things are working out with the bar too. I love Mikey, he's such a sweetheart, and it's nice to see things finally working out for him.