New Journal

Jun 25, 2008 11:05

Alrighty guys and gals. It is absolutely official!!! This girl is off to Japan on July 26. Moving for at least a year!!!

And to keep some normalcy around... I've created a new LiveJournal Account. That account will be mostly real life stuff, JET stuff (if anyone's interested in applying, or just curious, etc), Japan stuff... just more of my thoughts. I'm keeping this journal open though because I have a lot of memories from this and will still use this as my main fangirling journal. Basically so the rest of the world won't know I'm as insane as I really am. Hahaha.

Anyway... feel free to add my new journal if you're interested. ^^
Hehe. Didn't want to stray too far from my original username. ^^

Hope everything's going well with everyone and OMG yes I'm trying to be more organized from now on. Must do since I've officially got a job and am in charge of actually passing on knowledge to children. Here goes nothing. Haha.

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