Been awhile...

Apr 22, 2008 16:46

Hey everyone,
It's been awhile....
I know, zomg AN ENTRY!

Just a quick one to say that my uni years are soon over! At the end of May it'll be the end of it all! *happy*
And after that, I'm tempted to start a new blog as a start to my new life... In Japan.
Yes ladies and gents, provided that I manage to graduate this year, this August I shall be in Japaaaaaaaaan! For at least a year! I managed to get into JET! *happy*
I can finally help out with all my awesome friends and their stuff and finally give better pressies. XDDDDD
Until then, this journal will remain on hiatus. A lot's been going on in my life and a lot more still continuing. I'll figure out the fate of this journal once I grad and finally have the free time I've been wishing for. But I'm still coming back to LJ in one way or another because Imma be blogging about Japan for sure! XD

Anyway, miss you guys lots. Especially those that I spoke to loads and loads. And to those extra special people, look forward to stuff I'll finally be able to send you from Japan. XDDDDD

All the best...
x Cami x
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