Tumblr Appreciation Post

Apr 10, 2011 12:39

It's times like these (when LJ seems to be under attack on a regular basis) when it's good to branch out...I have found Tumblr and it is my new, shiny friend that I spend way too much time with and have had to enforce strict restrictions on lest my life be overtaken...

So here be just a tiny sample of the pretty that is Tumblr and it is unashamedly Jared Padalecki heavy who should always have an entourage with him when he goes clothes shopping so that we can always have nice things like this...it also includes for your viewing pleasure a couple other Texans, a British guy and a Swede. I'm a melting pot of fannish loves.

I chose this Jensen pic because the post explicitly stated that this eye colour? Is TOTALLY UNEDITED.
BAM! I mean I've heard about his pretty green eyes but this? This is just ridiculous....

okay this guy here? He's kinda cute too ;-) And even better on his twitter...

I wonder what they could have used for chapstick in those Arthurian days...

And Matt Bomer? He's no Tom Welling but you know what? He's got IT. Don't ask me what IT is...I just know that
this guy? He has it. *nods emphatically*

Then there is that aloofish looking, kind of intriguing, and unceasingly pretty Skarsgard or Askars for short as he is
known in Tumblr world.

The man will always be at the top of any director's list if his male lead is
required to be seen in uniform...or out of it ;-)

And I must finish with my first and favourite fandom love...never to be usurped by any Texans,
Brits or Swedish fellows no matter how reclusive you may be Mr Welling.

There will always be Smallville - love it or hate it there were some undeniably memorable
moments of breathless beauty - all involving a Clark Kent and the man who portrays him.
*SIGH* Look at me...all maudlin nostalgic and the finale hasn't even aired yet. Someone slap me.

I follow about 40 people on my dashboard - it's enough to keep me entertained for hours...yeah for sure there
are some repeat posts but that's what your scroll wheel is for...there's too many very SHINY, PRETTY, NICE things on there
NOT to have a look. I also post - but am in no way prolific about it.

tumblr, alex skarsgard, picspam, bradley james, tom welling, matt bomer, jensen ackles, jared padalecki

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