It's Friday and Calvin cracks me up...

Apr 08, 2011 23:41

I have no idea why but this strip just makes me laugh...Hobbes made me think of the way I like to say MEEEEEEERRRRRRRRLIN, drives hubby up the wall. *snigger*

and also this tweet by WillFerrell (who I don't follow and never will but somehow he got retweeted and I just about fell off my chair laughing...
oy my sense of is weird tonight): I'm going to have three kids and I'm gonna call them Ctrl, Alt and Delete. When they fuck up I can just hit them all.

Mainlining Modern Family - OMG that show is HILARIOUS!! And I usually cannot stand the mockumentary formula. I love Cam - just watched the episode where they're trying to get Lily into the posh preschool. Bi-Racial lesbians, with an African minority child. In a wheelchair. Totally kicked their lily white diversified asses.

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