I am putting the elephant in the room on the back burner for a second to say that this was a solid episode, I liked it - it's not my favourite so far this season and there's various reasons for that BUT that said I believ my eyeballs dried out as I literally did not blink through an entire scene at one point that was how glued the the screen I was.
Dean was thoroughly awesome this ENTIRE episode not a single douche bag moment to be seen. I think Stephenie Meyer would have LOVED this episode - yet another cult television classic has been touched by the Twilight phenomenon, regardless of it's irreverency and it's complete derision of the teen vamp fiction genre it nevertheless had an entire scene dedicated to the material that she wrote. How could she not love that? Also Dean knowing of Taylor Lautner's existence AND ADMITTING IT was indeed a fine moment.
Still avoiding the elephant named Sam for a moment - I was entranced by the vamp's nest and the whole alpha communication dream sequence. The layout of the place was very intricate and detailed and I loved the way it was set out - kudos to set designers/scouts on this one. Dean as nearly turned Vamp killer was just enthralling to watch - this is where I had dry eyeball syndrome as Jensen performed this sequence really well. That shot of Sam and Samuel coming upon him, them on the balcony Dean on the floor below which just panned out to Dean in profile sitting with his foot propped on boss vamp's head - that's going to stay with me for a while. The direction and camera work on that was perfect.
The perspective of Dean as he transforms was also handled cleverly and I loved the extra loud sound effects we were hearing. I did feel that this was a great portrayal overall but I caught myself wondering if we couldn't have seen more of his battle to resist the lure of human blood. For all the 'literature' I've read about this genre I always get the impression that it's extremely intoxicating to be around and the allure is just about physically impossible to resist. *shrugs* My adoration for Dean is certainly willing to accept the premise that Dean resisted coming off the rack in Hell for decades a little bit of Vamp hunger isn't enough to break the steel will of this man.
Okay now the elephant. Oh Sammy. Look what you've done. He's like a walking Jet song. My theory and it's quite possible this matches a number of others on my flist, is that Sam is not Lucifer BUT that he has like an echo of Lucifer still hanging round. He's not Lucifer because I wouldn't buy for a second that Lucifer would even waste a millisecond on wasting low key demons like shifters and vamps. Sam is far too intense about finding details on the alphas for fans not to suspect Lucifer's hand in this. I used the word echo above because I believe real Sam is still calling all the shots - but that he's being a little nudged in certain directions, maybe his movements and choices are being disguised as his own free will but when it comes down to it Lucifer's got a little Inception going on in Sam's head. I'm sceptical of the whole Sam risked Dean just to get to the alpha supposition. There's more to it than that. As in I think this whole change in his personality is much more complicated, more multi-layered than that. I am intrigued beyond anything to know the outcome of this. To the point where I kind of didn't worry for Dean at all in this episode EXCEPT in relation to his brother. I was all yeah yeah Dean's a vamp, moving on (cos I know he's gonna get changed back) I need to discuss this Sam behaviour right now! It's got to the point now where I'm really not going to be too fussed or hugely invested in the whole monster of the week because I am too busy trying to figure out what's up with Sam and wishing that it was back to two brothers being brothers again!
In other purely irrelevant news I miss Sam's Dodge. :-(
I'm still not liking the Gramps at all - although I was a little mollified by the knowledge that he is not in cahoots with whatever the Hell Sammy's got going on. As in it soothes me that Sammy's lying to everyone not just Dean. Twisted I know, but so is this show and you gotta grab the solace where you can get it around here.
In conclusion I agree with Boss vamp who reminded me very much of Bobby Elvis from Sons of Anarchy - you have indeed got a pretty face Dean Winchester. Keep your faith in your brother despite the way you feel right now - you know you're the only one that can save him.
Off to watch the promos for next week and play the new Rock Band 2 with hubby.