In an effort to escape the title of Here Be Lurker...a meme

Nov 25, 2009 22:43

Stolen from standing_fic

1. My username is ______ because ______.

redteekal because my first, foremost and forever love that got me into this wonderfully bizarre and outstanding universe that is fandom is indeed one Clark Kent of Smallville - and because I'm a pernicious little bitch I love him most hopped up on red kryptonite going by the name of Kal El. Especially when he's in the red tee shirt...omg nom nom nom. I love a superman in morality crisis who is letting off some steam.

2. My name is _____ because ______.
Simone! Pronounced Sim- mon. Not Sim-moan. IOW the French pronunciation. Why? Because my parents love french names (being both Brit born and bred I have no idea but whatevs) and my Dad said no to Sasha because he maintained at the time - way back in 1974 that it was a Russian BOYS name. I like my name. No middle name either. If I had one I would have liked Alexandria.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"All this wandering has led me to this place." this is a line from a Sting song; he is and will forever be my favourite musician, song writer, singer, performer, writer ad infinity. Taken from Dead Man's Rope - (which could so be a Sam song and a Clark Kent song in Season 9) I have never come across such an eloquent and articulate song writer - they are like stories to music and I LOVE his work.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen." I have a thing for the Greeks and the Romans of old. Loved Gladiator, loved 300, loved Troy, loved reading about Sparta and the Spartan way of life they were so fierce and violent and unfailingly honourable....d'ya see a pattern here? Just call me nostalgic ;)

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
Clark Kent Season 9 Smallville - again #1 favourite character portrayed by quite frankly the most beautiful man on the planet. I defy anyone to show me prettier than Tom Welling. Jensen comes close but no cigar. This icon is Clark overlooking Metropolis at a time when he's coming to grips with his role and responsibility to humanity. He's a conflicted guy who struggles to reconcile his heritage with his upbringing and I shall love him always for trying to do what's right, what can I say? I am a sucker for manly self sacrificing types.

random time wasting, avoiding lurkdom, meme

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