Absent friends...

Nov 19, 2009 19:46

I'm a bad lurking lurker who lurks.
And pops up to give random comments on my friend's lj so they probably go "Oh look - that redteekal is still around afterall". I am here to POST! Because it's been so long I fear you may all think I'm a horrible slacker who slacks - and you'd be mostly right but I am here to rectify this.

I've been keeping up with my flist and it's not like I don't have anything to post about - because I do...so much - real life, fandom it's all good.

But first things first. Here have a puppy.

Whaddya think?

Is she cute enough to come and join these two and increase our family by one?

She's very close to having a home with us - she's 7 weeks old and I may have already, somehow, some way, picked a name for her...
she's smart and she's full on and she's in your face and as tough as any young 7 week old Border Collie girl has the right to be...
and I like the name Savvy. Hmmm maybe I'll do a poll...

Secondly - the recent Supernatural Chicago Con last weekend, how cool and chillaxed were the boys? And funny....so hilarious, honestly
if you want a pick me up go to
agt_spooky 's lj and just download those big ass HQ Con vids of the boys - it's so worth the time and quota, the description of the onset antics with the guns and a guest star, the discussion about having kids, the simultaneous laughing on cue, the channeling of Sam and Dean in order to answer a challenging plot question from the crowd - it's all good and refreshingly lacking in any cringeworthy questions. Here's the link for the megaupload links

Thirdly - I am saving up my Smallville episodes and hanging out for Pandora and I am gonna mainline those epis as soon as we hit Supernatural hiatus (or Hellatus as Jared purloined off a fan shout out at the con) so that I have something to tide me over. I''ve been this close to clicking on the downloads to watch for a while now as I know there is some good SV happening not the least of which is a shirtless Welling and much TW pretty screen time. So I am going to go back through my flist to peruse episode reactions after I've had my fill. So there. Delayed gratification. It's a totally new concept for me I have to say.
Of course here I have to include a copy of my most favourite recent (to be revealed) Tom photo:

Fourthly - I am currently reading books like I did when I was in my teens - I pretty much marathoned all the Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse books (there's nine of those novels) - the ones True Blood is based on and I have to say that stuff is like crack. Pure addictive substance I tell you now - once you start you can't stop till you've read them all. I am blessed to have two work colleagues who have read the whole series now too and it is awesome the conversations you can have surrounding the fairly complex web of characters and storylines and just yammering on about speculation about furture books and what Season 3 is going to be like. Honestly FIVE star recommendation from me if you haven't read these books. And they are so deliciously different (yet with similarities in all the right places) from the TV show it's like a True Blood - not just remixed but ReMASTERED.

There are two more books out in addition to the above box set and they're are well worth the expense...so sooo good.

Fifthly - Supernatural Season 5? Best season ever??? It's gunning for the title I assure you. The second to last screened episode "Changing Channels" was pretty groundbreaking in terms of a TV show, I have never heard of any episode like it in the history of television and the cast and crew of Spn must be tremendously proud of their work this season. It was the kind of episode that made me think that this will quite possibly be required viewing and study for any halfway decent course in film, tv, media studies. Lecturers and Professors are no doubt already thinking of ways to incorporate it into their course content. As an English teacher in a high school I was completely delighted by the study in genres alone it could provide. Then to follow that up with "The Real Ghostbusters" - a cleverly executed shout out to the fans that still manages to convey an appropriate level of respect to the fans whilst managing to poke fun at them (and Jared and Jensen) in the process. Those writers/directors are such clever little devils. The trailer for tomorrow night's looks to be just as awesome as well. Just bring it Spn cos I am waiting!

smallville, book rec, supernatural, fan conventions, puppies

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