Two things have made me look back on the Clexiness of Smallville with fond nostalgia just recently. And also curiosity. I must ask all the long term Clex fan flisters LJers - was there ever an SV Anonymous Kink meme the likes of which the Spn fandom currently has going with the comm
blindfold_spn ? Because good lord that is a fantastic concept. I was reading there and my mind kept wandering back to the question is the SV fandom as insane as this one? Would the prompts be just as kinky and astounding? What kind of prompts would I want to see there? Please tell me a comm like that exists or has existed (and all the fic drabbles archived) in the past. And if there wasn't one I think there should be one!
The second thing is the news of Tom having signed on for Season 9. I'm still digesting this piece of news. I'd like to hear more about the deal he's negotiated before breaking out the champers and partying. I mean don't get me wrong - seeing Tom every week for another season is an absolutely good, good thing and truth be told I'm already kind of celebrating that. I just hope the deal he got is the best for his career. So of course the idea of there being NINE season of SV got me thinking about the early seasons and how far Tom has come developing his character and what an enormous part Lex/Michael took in that shaping. And those thoughts inspired this very lightweight manip. Ahh Clark you were sooo young!