What Makes Me Smile

Nov 19, 2008 18:44

I love looking at things, people, animals and places in the world that make me smile. I mean the full on, beaming from ear to ear, one hundred percent natural, jaw aching smile that just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside. People don't get to do that enough. Lately watching (and yes, reading) Jensen and Jared at the recent Salute to ( Read more... )

j2, jp, spn, smileage, ja

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Comments 3

mediaville November 19 2008, 12:19:16 UTC
I love this picspam - it made me smile too! Thanks for posting it!

Also - your LJ layout is gorgeous! How did you set it up? I'm a moron and don't even know how to change the font size on mine.


redteekal November 19 2008, 12:58:31 UTC
Huh. :) And here I am getting all ready to change my layout cos it really doesn't work for me anymore. I am usually completely lj illiterate when it comes to layouts. So I basically started off by clicking Customise Style at the side of the Home page. And then using Help link up top whenever I got stuck or wanted to know something. Some layouts needs a little more set up and again I either googled it or used LJ Help. I have my next layout planned - just collating the pretties I want to inset into my new layout.

Re the post? You're welcome...I enjoyed putting it together.


drusplace November 19 2008, 12:49:37 UTC
Those are realy cute. Thanks for sharing!


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