What Makes Me Smile

Nov 19, 2008 18:44

I love looking at things, people, animals and places in the world that make me smile. I mean the full on, beaming from ear to ear, one hundred percent natural, jaw aching smile that just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside. People don't get to do that enough. Lately watching (and yes, reading) Jensen and Jared at the recent Salute to Supernatural con in Chicago (just this past weekend), recent Supernatural episodes and rewatching the gag reels has caused much smileage on my part and it's only courtesy to share.

The following picspam is credited to wolfpup2000 , janglyjewels  and stormjpad
  (via Twizzle Me)Thanks you guys!

The smirk and cocked eyebrow Jensen.

I love how these guys seemed so relaxed on this panel.
This moment is grin-worthy simply because Jensen doesn't
give away these unguarded moments often.

Jared really is just one huge mass of juvenile delinquent - but
one of those rare 'nice to look at and amusing to listen to'
delinquents. Plus he's got dogs. Instant Appeal
Factor now PLUS gazillion.

His grin is quite infectious (it's inevitable that you will grin
back despite knowing full well he can't see you)
and when you see his smile in action you just know
it's without any pretense and completely genuine.

One random observation of mine is that when Jensen answers questions Jared
usually looks like he's  listening in close to what Jen says.
When Jared is answering questions Jen doesn't always do the same.
Make of that what you will.

Maybe it's because Jared is always mocking the hell out of Jensen
any chance he gets. He's so adorably juvenile. And Jensen I
have to say, handles it all very maturely with a wry expression on his face.

Or that look that just says 'And there he goes again, y'all can see what I have to
deal with every frigging day right?' Ooo Jared.
You have an evil streak that really is quite fun to watch so don't stop, ever.

And now Jensen looks to the floor hoping for some serenity (or someone
has just asked him for another rendition of Eye of the Tiger
and he's wondering why in the hell he ever did that).
Jared is still clearly lapping it all up and making
the most of the fact that his co-star is a little more reserved than he is.

This could be where Jared's just said something really
embarrassing and he's trying to pull himself out of the proverbial and
Jensen is just despairing of any hope that his co star will ever get through
one con without saying something that is inadvertantly ambiguous in all the wrong ways.

At this point Jared is singing the praises of a fan's daughter who is a 'Jared Lover'
and Jensen is feeling a headache coming on at the thought of Jared gearing
up for yet another monologue on the virtues of Jared as compared to Jensen.
Though all present agreed that Jared had to be the girl in the relationship
since he takes so long to get his ass ready in the mornings.

The one question Jensen would ask Dean if he could:
"Why must you always be eating?"

The one questions Jared would ask Sam if he could:
"Why do you drop your gun everytime when you need it most?"

Check the vids out on You Tube
by cloudyvisions

j2, jp, spn, smileage, ja

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