SV 8.09 Abyss

Nov 15, 2008 00:14

As far as episodes go this season this one is currently sitting in the LEAST favourite spot for now. I don't usually do a post on the episodes I find less than engaging. I have never done a post on any of SV's more flawed epsiodes. This week I feel prompted to write though, and it is not positive. As far as rankings go (so far it is 9th out of 9 eps) it even beats out completely OOC Clark and Chloe in Prey and that episode grated on me in several places. There is of course only ONE reason for this however it was one MAJOR plot development that will effect and does affect so much more.

Clark deciding to have all memories of Krypton and his secret removed from Chloe's mind is wrong on so many levels and is a DO NOT WANT move that I haven't felt this strongly about for quite some time. I mean the whole Lex leaving was, to date, my biggest DO NOT WANT move on SV but when a contract is up and the actor does not want to renew there is not much the writers can do (I mean yes they may have been able to be more proactive about making sure the role was so appealing that MR wanted to stay but it's all speculation now). This development however was completely unnecessary and in the end saddening for me to watch. I am fervently hoping that this is only temporary because if it isn't then I will have to say that the writers have done the dirty on Chloe bigtime and I am curious to know if AM knew this was going to happen and still signed on because to me it looks like they have totally negated just about all of Chloe's interactions with Clark since finding out his secret, ultimately devaluing her presence in his life.

Tom did a stand up job with the actual scene himself and full credit to him for making that scene as moving as it was but even his emotional performance could not drown out my inner Chloe fan screaming - No no no no no NO This is ALL Wrong Don't Do it. It felt far too forced, too hastily decided and not thought through. I resolved myself a long time ago to Chlark never being canon but their friendship for me, in SV at least, has always been canon. Clark has enough self sacrifice in his life, he should not be made to give up his one true confidant and closest friend and no one can deny that Chloe's knowledge of Clark's secret has led to these two becoming the closest friendship relationship over SV's last 7 seasons. Why would the writers want to make all that seem insignificant and trivial?

What I also wonder is who is there to fill that void now? How much more lonely does Clark have to be? Lois is surely never going to find out his secret before the series ends for all time. That wouldn't be canon would it? Sure he will have that dance to share with Lois, and Oliver knows his secret but they are hardly friends of a Chlark level. I hate to say it...never thought I would, but Smallville? You have disappointed me this night. Take this dumbass move back and fix it. Now. At least we have Doomsday to look forward to, but man Davis creeped me out at the end there.

svs8, abyss, comments

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