Dec 19, 2007 15:56
Just rewatching SV season 2. I've come across the unequivocal moment that could not possibly say it any louder to Clark that he and Chloe are meant to be.
It's in Visitor. When Clark and Chloe are having a discussion about Cyrus.
Clark says to Chloe 'You don't think he's really an alien do you?"
Chloe: *thinks about it a moment* ...No, but wouldn't it be awesome if he was though?"
Clark replies: "Yeah it'd be the story of the century wouldn't it?"
Chloe: "This isn't about Pulitzer's Clark. ...I mean can you imagine? Being from another planet? The experiences you could share?"
Clark: "It wouldn't freak you out?"
Chloe: "Ohh..compared to most people I think aliens would be step up."
You can tell he's kinda chuffed and pleased about her response.
Fast forward to final scene (yes again with the Clana)
Clark: "Lana what if Cyrus really could have proven he was an alien?"
Lana: "What do you mean?"
Clark: "I mean how would feel about him if he actually was from another planet?"
Lana: "Oh...well... I mean I guess I'd try and keep an open mind."
Clark: "You'd never feel completely comfortable with him would you?"
Lana: "Have to admit...I'd be a little freaked out."
She sees Clarks face change...and asks "Does that make me a bad person?"
Clark: "No...just honest."
Come on. Why put this sort of completely contrasting dialogue/characterisations in the series if it's never gonna have an impact on the choices Clark makes when it comes to Chloe and Lana....grrrrrr. I know Clark has his BDA moments but the fact that he took the plunge with trying to find out what Lana's feelings were in comparison to Chloe's makes me think that he really isn't as obtuse to his underlying, and utterly repressed feelings for Chloe as he makes out or rather is written as to make out.
Anyway that's my Chlark rant for today. Back to reading friends posts. Please post if you have any other unequivocal moments from SV (any season) when you knew that Clark and Chloe are meant to be.
season 2,