Jan 06, 2013 16:01

I AM HOOOOOOOOOMMMMMEEEEEE!!! Really Philip Phillips himself should be sitting right here serenading me with his most excellent song. I have travelled far and wide, seen and done many great things but the comfort and contentment of home can never be usurped.

Here is my first post of 2013 and I have to say it is really good to be home, I loved every single moment of the last 6 months but you know, there's nothing quite like your own bed, your own house and being surrounded by the furkids who we have both missed more than we ever had contemplated.

But here be my first vid rec - found via growyourwings journal. This is a thing of pure beauty. This matches meltingconfetti's, ash48's, deirdre_c's and secretlytodream's vidding prowess! It's just one very well made and labour intensive J2 vid primarily using Con footage and photos. I feel like thrusting this video in the face of anyone who goes: But WHY do you go to Cons? Please watch at 720 quality.

image Click to view

So far I have rejoined my Gym, unpacked 5 suitcases, puppy proofed the house for young Mr Colt who had his first night away from the kennels last night (and he was PERFECT which was an absolute pleasure because I don't think after travelling half way round the world, jumping forward in time 14 hours and skipping an entire nights sleep I have ever wanted those 7 hours of sleep so much - and he didn't make a peep all night!), gone through 6 months of mail, done two loads of laundry, picked up more puppy supplies and I am about to attack the wardrobe reprioritisation! Puppy has already had about three training sessions and an hour long walk this morning before the heat smacked into us.

Oh and in the midst of our travelling using airport wifis I managed to complete all my 2012 EPIC SIX MONTH ROADTRIP BLOG posts! They can all be seen here: complete with NYE in Las Vegas, Christmas in NYC and our last trip excitement - Magic Mountain Valencia California.

I want to say a HUGE THANKYOU! to big_heart_june as when I opened all the mail up this morning I had the loveliest card and a couple of very special Spn little gifts. Thankyou bb you are indeed the most perfect LJ friend ever!

My list of things to do could be at 230 right now but I've decided for 2013 - keep TO DO LISTS TO 10 TASKS! That way they do seem more achievable.

And now I am off to cross some more that is super important though is to arrange our next Spn viewing day with ash48 and zebra363 - can't wait to catch up with my fellow fangirls! :)

I'm going to keep a record of my book reading this year.
I have completed so far in 2013 - The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (and subsequently now want to read and study EVERYTHING about that author and also get onto Atlas Shrugged. I just LOVE her writing style. Makes me want to go back to Uni and study her)
and The New NEW Rules by Bill Maher, quite a contrast in genres I must say (the first one took a month and a half to finish, the second one got done in a 5 hour plane ride), Maher's was very amusing and filled with quite frightening facts of knowledge I didn't know. I have watched Religulous and whilst I get where he's coming from and agree with much of what he says I do find his style fairly sledgehammery much like Michael Moore. I enjoy them both but just wish for a little more refinery in their approach.

vid rec, travelling, home, 2013, puppies

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