Torn and Frayed - A Graphic Response

Jan 17, 2013 21:21

There's a few spoilery words below but mostly just pictures and gifs as I feel words are not going to be enough for me right now...

When we see Dean walk out the motel room Sam is staying in, with the words "Glad I made the drive" or to that effect I was very much:

And then we see Samandriel being all horribly tortured and I thought that was a bit mean but par for the course for the show...but then SAM SLEEPS WITH AMELIA and I was....

I need a drink...

Then Benny calls Dean, clearly with a cry for help and Dean is all very non-perceptive and says he'll get there when he can...

Next thing you know Cas has told them to stow their crap and sort their shit out to get this done...
and I was very much in favour...

So there the boys go - working beautifully as a team, bringing on nostalgic warm fuzzy feelings from me...
But then Cas ends up being the poor manipulated woobie who all distraught kills Samandriel!

And I figure at this point things suck pretty much all round but I'm still wondering about the whole WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN IN TWO DAYS AT 7.30PM AT THAT MOTEL ROOM? and taking a very cautious joy in the feel of teamwork the boys had just then...
SO after that trauma we are treated to a very rare and virtually never seen event, Sam and Dean actually have a conversation WITHOUT drama! Well it had drama but it wasn't DRAMATIC! They weren't angry at each other and they weren't blaming each other and it was all incredibly civil with Dean finally empathising with Sam's POV and Sam thinking about things from Dean's POV. AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL!!

Of course after that is the "final" phone call to Benny. GREAT just GREAT show...and now there's tears.

Right about now I'm cursing Kripke again for even conceiving of this show that manipulates ALL my feelings...four seasons in one day? try forty emotional highs and lows in one 42 minutes episode.

But then there's this...

And that's all it takes....yes Cas is going through a total crisis, Benny is no doubt on the path to some doomed falling off the wagon which will inevitably lead to some highly distressing encounter with Dean...but the fact that Sam and Dean, with cool heads, calm hearts and clear minds made this choice was enough to leave this fan feeling pretty damn satisfied and happy.

And that's about all I have to say on it.

curse you kripke, all the feelings, epic episode reaction

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